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Forum -> Yom Tov / Holidays -> Pesach
So excited to move into MIL for yt!!
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Post Mon, Apr 22 2024, 8:58 am
I’m a mom in law hosting!
Please share some tips to make sure my DIL says this about coming to our house!
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Post Mon, Apr 22 2024, 9:42 am
amother Heather wrote:
I will be missing my mother in law this year. She passed away this year. I loved her very much.

I'm so sorry for your loss. My fil passed away in September (right before Rh) and nothing feels right. I understand your pain. Hugs
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Post Mon, Apr 22 2024, 9:48 am
You should all be bentched with bracha simcha shalom and only good in life. Yiddishe nachas from your own children who surely see and imbibe your good attitude. Kol ha kavod to you all.
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Post Mon, Apr 22 2024, 10:00 am
Went to ils for many years, until I started hosting them. I loved it. Yes we were stuffed 6 to a room , in an older, smaller house but it was worth it.

My mil is kind, always praising me and the kids, showed how excited she was to have us. She spent time with the kids, got diapers and wipes and basic baby gear so we didn’t have to shlep.

She has a pleasant personality and never micromanaged, or spoke badly of any of us.

But, all of us who came were also mentchen- we helped in the kitchen, set and cleaned up the table, served, cleaned up after our kids and didn’t leave our things around the house. We took our kids out of the house during the day also, so mil got a break from the noise.

When it’s my turn, I hope my dils will enjoy my house as well- even though we don’t have ten bedroom suites with individual magazine subscriptions
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Post Mon, Apr 22 2024, 10:05 am
My MIL is the best MIL in the world. And my FIL gives such thought out compliments, every time, it’s like the best compliments I’ve ever gotten in my life. (Kind of a side point, but like he told me when I was going through a difficult pregnancy and felt like I was just dropping the ball with everything-at work my performance wasn’t up to par, I was barely making supper, I didn’t have so much energy for my kids etc. he said “this is what real sacrifice for Torah is. This is what they mean when they say it’s all the wife’s zchus” and it was so sweet and just the perfect thing to say then, I actually cried)

MIL helps watch kids in the morning so I can sleep or feed baby.
She has an extra fridge on our floor and stocks it with all my favorite goodies!
She put an urn next to the fridge so I don’t have to get up in middle of the night to warm bottles
She asks me every yontif what she can do to make me comfortable, is there a specific food my family makes that she can make for me.

Is generally just the most understanding MIL in the world, even though I’m the only one with kids she remembers what’s it’s like to be a young mommy and never gets upset about dirty highchairs or toys on the floor. She pretty much cleans up after my kids, which I feel bad about, but she gets it.

Her food really is yum!

My siblings in law are dolls also, even though I know it’s hard for them, they’re not used to having kids in the house and it’s a big adjustment. Dirty bibs in the sink, toys on the floor, screaming at 6 am, etc. I totally get it. But for the most part they love me and my kids and are so helpful with them.
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Post Tue, Apr 23 2024, 4:28 pm
My MIL got a new set of linen for our room the first time we went for shabbos and whenever we go, she sets the beds with the special linen. Her own linen is old and faded, so it just shows that she wants us to feel welcomed. If she hears of a food I like, she makes sure to buy it for when we come. For example, I like Diet Sprite, so she always has it for me even though they never drink it. She constantly tries to feed me and while it can get a little annoying, I mainly laugh about it because I know she really just cares. She tells me the funniest stories about DH even the ones that he's embarrassed about but then we all laugh about them!
If I mention that I like anything in the house whether it's a good book, her necklace, her tablecloth or a specific food, she tells me to keep it/bring home the leftovers. I usually thank her but don't take it but it's really sweet that she just wants to give.
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Post Wed, Apr 24 2024, 4:39 pm
Love when our married kids come. We B"H have a bedroom with bathroom, bought new linen and towels. And yes our SIL does not like our Shul at all the davening is wayyyyyy too long and we totally understand and they love coming anyway B"H
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Post Wed, Apr 24 2024, 8:58 pm
My mil watched my baby in the morning so that I could go back to sleep, which I appreciate so much!
She also makes sure to cook foods I like and make sure I'm not hungry in between meals.
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Post Wed, Apr 24 2024, 9:36 pm
I took a nice nap each day while my toddler was being watched by in laws/cleaning lady
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