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Covid is really gone!
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Post Wed, Jun 10 2020, 10:37 am
amother [ Hotpink ] wrote:
You're the fan/sh*t prophet, no? Has the stuff reached the fan already? You warned us every week that it's coming, and we are 2 months open already! BH, Hashem is in charge and no new cases in the communities OP mentioned.

Yes, if she's wrong on that we'll all be really happy. No one's hoping for anyone to die.

But do you know what YOU were wrong on? That Covid won't be a threat in the US at all. That's what most posters here were orignally saying. (We have threads upon threads here to prove it.) And unfortunately you were all dead wrong on that.
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Post Wed, Jun 10 2020, 10:38 am
watergirl wrote:
Now you are just talking about kids already at risk. Gotcha.

Yes, there are kids at risk everywhere. I would hope that the ones who are at risk are already being watched and under care. For a typical, not at risk kid, a few months at home with parents will not make a serious mental health crisis and will certainly not create new drug addicts. Yes, I am sure some kids will turn to drugs out of boredom but certainly not in the "massive" way you claimed.

The kids became at risk over covid! They weren’t before!
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Post Wed, Jun 10 2020, 10:39 am
amother [ OP ] wrote:
The kids became at risk over covid! They weren’t before!

3 months at home do not suddenly make kids become at risk. If it does, the troubles were underlying already.
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Post Wed, Jun 10 2020, 10:39 am
I work in a hospital in Bergen County and this morning as I was crisscrossing the street from the parking lot, some stopped me and asked me where the ER and COVID testing is because her husband has a fever and is coughing.
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Post Wed, Jun 10 2020, 10:39 am
amother [ Pumpkin ] wrote:
Please read my post a few posts back, where I discuss my experience as a healthcare worker in one of the communities OP mentioned. Yes there ARE new cases, stop perpetuating falsehood.

If there are new cases and they were tested there’s no way to hide it, cause it goes to the DOH.
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Post Wed, Jun 10 2020, 10:41 am
amother [ Powderblue ] wrote:
I work in a hospital in Bergen County and this morning as I was crisscrossing the street from the parking lot, some stopped me and asked me where the ER and COVID testing is because her husband has a fever and is coughing.

Most coming back negative, people can get sick!! Everyone gets a cough and suddenly testing for covid
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Post Wed, Jun 10 2020, 10:42 am
watergirl wrote:
3 months at home do not suddenly make kids become at risk. If it does, the troubles were underlying already.

No not at all great kids! Boredom causes lots of issue please go back to your perfect bubble.
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Post Wed, Jun 10 2020, 10:42 am
amother [ Pumpkin ] wrote:
The people I watched die did not die from neglect. They died as attentive, caring medical personell hovered over them and wrung their hands saying "I have no idea what to do".

THIS is the bottom line. At the height of the NY/NJ outbreak, the virus had just hit the US shores and the healthcare system was understaffed, ill equipped, over filled, and dealing with a virus that showed symptoms of one thing but didn't react with protocol treatment. Statistics were confusing, rules were constantly changing. What was a myth one day, became a fact the next day. What was thought is dangerous ended up not so bad. Nothing made sense.

At this point, the air has cleared and we know a lot more now than we knew then. Anyone infected now has a much better chance of proper treatment and survival.
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Post Wed, Jun 10 2020, 10:44 am
I feel very sad for people who ignore reality and tell themselves little fairy tales.

Covid wasn't REALLY dangerous. There was a conspiracy among hospitals and doctors throughout the world to neglect and kill off patients to make it appear that way. Or maybe they were all crisis actors! You know, like the babies murdered in Connecticut, or the teens in Florida. The 114,000 dead in the US, including more than 24,000 in NY State, will all return.

Its over.

Jewish enclaves are not part of society at large, and don't share the same risks as others.


Covid has decreased as a result of social distancing, as well as the effects of better weather throughout much of the US. The epicenter has also changed. https://www.ft.com/content/734.....c03cb https://www.local10.com/news/l.....ovid/ But its far from gone.

Be careful. Stay safe.
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Post Wed, Jun 10 2020, 10:45 am
I didn't agree with this post, however while reading it I got my first robocall since March. Before Covid I was getting at least three a day. During Covid it completely stopped. Maybe I should call Dr Faucci.
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Post Wed, Jun 10 2020, 10:46 am
amother [ OP ] wrote:
Every death since March has been labeled covid so sure the numbers are inflated! And then the neglect was terrible people died from not getting there trachs cleaned! People died cause the plugs were pulled. People died just cause of there age meaning wasn’t worth saving them

While there may be a slight inflation for political reasons, most are covid deaths. And even those that are not, many of those are due to understaffing or ppl scared to go to hospitals, etc.

That is why they say that anyone who dies in time of m'gaifa goes straight into gen eden.

But don't come pretending that a m'gaifa didn't exist. It is very hurtful for those that turned orphans when the hospital tried everything and still their relative passed on. And no, he was not "old", and they numerous times tried saving him.
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Post Wed, Jun 10 2020, 10:49 am
amother [ OP ] wrote:
No not at all great kids! Boredom causes lots of issue please go back to your perfect bubble.

Right. My perfect bubble where I have no teens as you said, and perfect kids. Everyone is happy all day. Hyperbole rules.

It's the parents job to make sure the kids are not bored.

Why are your kids bored? My non-existent teen daughter in in Zoom school all day. My non-existant 20 year old stepson is in yeshiva via phone all day. My 11 year old (can I have one of those?) is in zoom classes for hours a day. My 7 year old is also.

Everywhere I go in my town, kids and families are out and about. Bike riding, playing catch, going for walks. I work full time and so does my husband but we do stuff in the evenings and we have gone hiking many sundays. No one in any one of the states in the US is on LOCKDOWN like you said in your OP. In Israel, yes. In the States, no. No one should have kept their kids inside.

Yes of course its hard on us all. My kids go through difficult phases. my 11 year old was in therapy when he was younger and we touched base with his therapist again a few weeks ago. We did this because we saw he was having a very hard time and wanted to check in and gain new parenting strategies. I would hope we are not the only parents to do so. Anyone who is invested in preventing their kids from spiraling down would do the same.

Last edited by watergirl on Wed, Jun 10 2020, 10:51 am; edited 1 time in total
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Post Wed, Jun 10 2020, 10:50 am
amother [ OP ] wrote:
If there are new cases and they were tested there’s no way to hide it, cause it goes to the DOH.


Are you actually suggesting im lying about the positive cases im seeing?
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Post Wed, Jun 10 2020, 10:51 am
amother [ OP ] wrote:
So it’s like the flu, hatzolah has not treated corona patients in weeks one here and there ain’t an outbreak. People get sick stay home just what normal people gotta do. A second wave seriously when they don’t know much about it they don’t know about a second wave at all they speculating.
So let’s all stay home watch our kids need massive mental health. Watch our teens do drugs and what not. Wake up we need to move on in life!

No it's NOT the flu.
Many people even in their 20's and 30's who have gotten corona will have lifelong lung and heart diseases and conditions. Some have even died! Otherwise healthy people.

I'm so sorry for all the teens out there. Most of the one I know aren't on drugs.

We CAN cope WITH corona. We can reopen with SD and masks.
It's not something to "move on from" it's something on going.
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Post Wed, Jun 10 2020, 10:53 am
amother [ OP ] wrote:
If there are new cases and they were tested there’s no way to hide it, cause it goes to the DOH.

You think everyone is getting tested? Many don't trust the government with their health. Many have corona and refuse to test and therefore without proof of corona they can continue leaving the house and spreading it.
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Post Wed, Jun 10 2020, 10:55 am
amother [ OP ] wrote:
No not at all great kids! Boredom causes lots of issue please go back to your perfect bubble.

If kids went OTD from being BORED they were never really frum in the first place.
They obviously weren't strong spiritually kids and were going to go OTD regardless.
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Post Wed, Jun 10 2020, 11:05 am
Yes agree that we can reopen safely.

It is not all or nothing.

Agree with SOW stay away from crowds like protests.
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Post Wed, Jun 10 2020, 11:09 am
LovesHashem wrote:
If kids went OTD from being BORED they were never really frum in the first place.
They obviously weren't strong spiritually kids and were going to go OTD regardless.

And I'll add this - if kids are bored from 3 months home, I would take that up with the schools you send to and take a close look at if the community you live in meets the needs of your family. Kids who have no school during this time or who have subpar school (a half hour recorded conference call or whatever) - the schools need to take some of the blame here. Everyone loves to point a finger at the government and no one is looking at the achrayus of our schools to step up. This is where we trust with the neshamos of our kids. Why is it ok for them to let the kids down now? Answer - its not ok.

My boys school distributed dedicated kindles that can ONLY access Zoom and can ONLY access each class with a special code. Its a special frum company that caters to this need and stepped up now. And in addition, the students can not access the zoom calls from any other device. Our school has stepped up to this challenge in an amazing way.

If my kid is suffering now and is going OTD or to drugs after 3 MONTHS at home, they are bored, no school, etc, then its time to look and see if the school and community meets your kid's social emotional needs. It seems like it is not. Its times of crisis and great need when we see it the most.
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Post Wed, Jun 10 2020, 11:12 am
amother [ OP ] wrote:
Those that deal with at risk teens in every area say there cases are sky high by the time summer is over it will be 6 months of teens doing nothing. I can say one thing for sure you do not have teenagers at home right now

You know what?

So don't say it's gone then if you want the teens to be active.
Rather say that the risk is less and that we can now go about opening up with caution.
Tell the teens and their parents to be respectful of social distancing practices so that we can open up more confident in peoples' overall responsibility to each other.
Don't complain so much about mask wearing if you want them to be able to get together.

I'm so peeved at the attitude. My 4 year old son had an outdoor get together and some mothers refused to wear masks and obviously their kids didn't wear them either. Well I just found out I have no antibodies. And I want to be able to take part. Can't you make this work or me too? 20 minutes in a mask was too hard?

Why does it have to be either or? Black or white?
No, it's not gone.

edited to add: I have a teen.
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Post Wed, Jun 10 2020, 11:27 am
Thanks for the laugh, dr op
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