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So...How's your pesach hotel going???
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Post Tue, Apr 23 2019, 2:18 am
amother [ Maroon ] wrote:
Gd you really are relentless.

If you really want more details post non anonymously so I can pm you Twisted Evil
Thumbs Up Thumbs Up
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Post Tue, Apr 23 2019, 6:20 am
amother [ Azure ] wrote:
Nope sorry I stand up for halacha and keeping the Torah properly no matter who says otherwise. Rather have someone accuse me of obnoxiousness than break halacha

As far as I know, not judging another person is also halacha.
So is speaking nicely as opposed to harshly.
Your campaign needs some tweaking.
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Post Tue, Apr 23 2019, 6:45 am
I really don't get the shock at mashgichim not holding by the food they certify. Hechsherim are a minimal standard, not a maximum. When you pay for a badatz yerushalayim (one of the most respected and strictest), you're still paying for a higher minimal standard and they have leniencies that they hold by that you wouldn't be happy about in your kitchen.
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Post Tue, Apr 23 2019, 7:35 am
amother [ Azure ] wrote:
Nope sorry I stand up for halacha and keeping the Torah properly no matter who says otherwise. Rather have someone accuse me of obnoxiousness than break halacha

Being obnoxious is breaking a Halacha.
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Post Tue, Apr 23 2019, 7:36 am
amother [ Azure ] wrote:
I Don’t believe any reputable rabbi encourages someone to eat questionable kashrut even for kibud av, sorry.

Not sure why I’m engaging you but I will for this true story.

My father buys non glatt meat. Many years ago, there was a company called Best Kosher that was not glatt and also widely rumored to be very questionable. My dad would buy their hot dogs as almost like a dare - there were plenty of better brands around. So my sister and I were going to his house for dinner one night and I knew he would be serving this food. He has a real temper. I called the local kashrus agency (which is international as well and very highly regarded) and asked what to do. They transferred the call to the Av Beis Din who knew my father and gave my sister and I a psak to eat the food that he cooks. Not to go and buy Best Kosher and make it in my own house, but to eat it at my father’s home.

This story illustrates the beauty of halacha and the crucial importance of asking for eitza and a psak from someone who knows you. My psak was for my sister and I (and later for our husbands and kids). He knew something about this company that allowed him to allow us to consume the food and yet not to buy it on our own outside of his house. Yes, this was for kibbud av. You can pm me if you want to know the rav’s name and kashrus agency.
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Post Tue, Apr 23 2019, 8:51 am
I'm at the Raleigh hotel. Anyone else here?
Food and entertainment program are great.
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Post Tue, Apr 23 2019, 9:08 am
amother [ Sapphire ] wrote:
I'm at the Raleigh hotel. Anyone else here?
Food and entertainment program are great.

Just curious how much this costs?
Frankly, I’m getting tired of running my own hotel. I’m wondering if going away can ever be a possibility.
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Post Tue, Apr 23 2019, 9:13 am
My great-grandmother was sent by her father to the Rav with a shayla on a chicken. Her friend came a few minutes later to ask the same shayla on her family’s chicken.

The Rav told my GGM that her chicken was not kosher and told her friend that her friend’s chicken was kosher.
When my GGM heard it was the same question she respectfully asked the Rav why hers was not Kosher.

The Rav replied that based on the yiras shomayim of her family, the chicken would not be considered kosher.
As for the other family, if he didn’t find a heter for them then they would eat non kosher. So based on their level, it was kosher.

This was a time of great hunger. Yet the Rav knew that based on the standards of one family, they wouldn’t consider it kosher and would somehow find something else to eat, while the second would eat it anyway even if it wasn’t kosher.
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Post Tue, Apr 23 2019, 9:25 am
amother [ Blonde ] wrote:
Just curious how much this costs?
Frankly, I’m getting tired of running my own hotel. I’m wondering if going away can ever be a possibility.

I wonder if there's a middle ground. Not knocking hotels but this could be a thought for some people.
Get extra cleaning help.
Get cooking help - I.e. hire girls for peeling (or compensate your own kids. Not per hour but with some gift, if this is over and above), cutting, sous chef stuff. If you mish and there is reliably hechshered takeout or catering, get some sides or something from them.
Hire waiters for the sedarim. And/or use beautiful disposables.
Get regular cleaning help during chol hamoed so you can enjoy the family.
Schedule post-yom tov pampering.

Probably still cheaper than hotels.
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Post Tue, Apr 23 2019, 10:03 am
PinkFridge wrote:
I wonder if there's a middle ground. Not knocking hotels but this could be a thought for some people.
Get extra cleaning help.
Get cooking help - I.e. hire girls for peeling (or compensate your own kids. Not per hour but with some gift, if this is over and above), cutting, sous chef stuff. If you mish and there is reliably hechshered takeout or catering, get some sides or something from them.
Hire waiters for the sedarim. And/or use beautiful disposables.
Get regular cleaning help during chol hamoed so you can enjoy the family.
Schedule post-yom tov pampering.

Probably still cheaper than hotels.

I already crunched the numbers numerous times . What you propose is way more than hotel and you haven't even included pool sauna tea room
Nightly entertainment like concerts on the premises, golf , tennis etc..

But I am only 3 people
Maybe if you have 10 children you are right
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Post Tue, Apr 23 2019, 10:24 am
Hotel is amazing. Food is incredible , there is a meal every hour which is a bit insane. Kids camp is great, the kids were out on a trip all day yesterday. Activities are so fun, people are nice and relaxed, zero pressure. This is our first year, maybe it’ll become a yearly thing!
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Post Tue, Apr 23 2019, 10:44 am
creditcards wrote:
He probably works for a kashrus agency and is doing his job and checking to make sure everything is the way it supposed to be according to their guidelines.
That doesn't mean that those guidelines are good enough for him.

Sorry, but that doesn't fly with me.

His job is certifying to others that the food they eat is kosher. If he doesn't believe it is, then he shouldn't certify it. If that means taking a different job, where he won't be defrauding people into believing that their food is actually kosher, then so be it.
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Post Tue, Apr 23 2019, 10:47 am
amother [ Indigo ] wrote:
Hotel is amazing. Food is incredible , there is a meal every hour which is a bit insane. Kids camp is great, the kids were out on a trip all day yesterday. Activities are so fun, people are nice and relaxed, zero pressure. This is our first year, maybe it’ll become a yearly thing!

Sounds awesome. Which program?
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Post Tue, Apr 23 2019, 10:47 am
amother [ Blonde ] wrote:
Just curious how much this costs?
Frankly, I’m getting tired of running my own hotel. I’m wondering if going away can ever be a possibility.

Think $3k per person.
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Post Tue, Apr 23 2019, 10:50 am
ectomorph wrote:
I really don't get the shock at mashgichim not holding by the food they certify. Hechsherim are a minimal standard, not a maximum. When you pay for a badatz yerushalayim (one of the most respected and strictest), you're still paying for a higher minimal standard and they have leniencies that they hold by that you wouldn't be happy about in your kitchen.

Because their job is, literally, assuring me that the food I eat is kosher. They serve no other purpose. They don't cook. They don't clean. They don't serve.

And you're trying to convince us that its OK if they certify things as kosher that they actually don't believe are.

I'm all for leniencies. If the leniency allows the food to be kosher.

But if, according to the mashgiach, the food actually not kosher because of those leniencies, then he's causing me to violate Pesach.
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Post Tue, Apr 23 2019, 10:51 am
amother [ Seafoam ] wrote:
Sounds awesome. Which program?

Upscale getaways San Diego .
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Post Tue, Apr 23 2019, 10:55 am
PinkFridge wrote:
I wonder if there's a middle ground. Not knocking hotels but this could be a thought for some people.
Get extra cleaning help.
Get cooking help - I.e. hire girls for peeling (or compensate your own kids. Not per hour but with some gift, if this is over and above), cutting, sous chef stuff. If you mish and there is reliably hechshered takeout or catering, get some sides or something from them.
Hire waiters for the sedarim. And/or use beautiful disposables.
Get regular cleaning help during chol hamoed so you can enjoy the family.
Schedule post-yom tov pampering.

Probably still cheaper than hotels.

This is great, and works for a lot of people I know. However, for some it doesn't really equate to a hotel because the "mental load" of the work to be done still belongs to you.
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Post Tue, Apr 23 2019, 11:20 am
amother [ Sapphire ] wrote:
I'm at the Raleigh hotel. Anyone else here?
Food and entertainment program are great.

Say Hi to my SIL and brother. They are there.
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Post Tue, Apr 23 2019, 11:43 am
sim wrote:
This is great, and works for a lot of people I know. However, for some it doesn't really equate to a hotel because the "mental load" of the work to be done still belongs to you.

Exactly. I'm the one who posted a few days ago asking about a Rav who can help me set boundaries with my mother when my parents come for Pesach.
I hire my cleaning lady, and my mother monopolizes her for jobs I didn't need her to do.
I try to cook, but my mom completely takes over my kitchen, my fridge, my cabinets, etc. She rearranges my things, leaves the kitchen a disaster, has no shortage of hurtful words and criticism... however, she does contribute to the food supply by helping with the shopping and cooking, and she paid for a few hours of my cleaning lady.
Her efforts, while appreciated, don't compensate. I still feel like an unwanted guest in my own home. I had all the work of making Pesach, with none of the nachas afterwards. My enjoyment of yom tov was taken from me. And no amount of cleaning help or soups or pesach cakes can rectify that. As long as my mother is in my house, making it about her and her needs and how my efforts fell short, the atmosphere is tense and suffocating.
Yet I love my parents and I know they love me and mean well. If I had the funds, I would send them to a hotel in a heartbeat.
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Post Tue, Apr 23 2019, 11:48 am
Just curious, in case I win the lottery or get some kind of surprise windfall in the coming year lol:
How much would it cost for a couple in their '70's (with numerous dietary restrictions) to go to a quality Pesach program in the tri-state area? Including tax, tips, all fees, etc?
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