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Why have children if you just want them out of the house?
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Post Wed, Aug 07 2019, 11:10 pm
Live in help.
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Post Wed, Aug 07 2019, 11:13 pm
amother [ Burgundy ] wrote:
Can we go back to the fun answers?
Pretty please with a cherry on top?

I’m running dry on answers.. I’ll sleep on it and hopefully have more in the morning.

I have one why not to have kids - a full nights sleep. Wishful thinking.
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Post Wed, Aug 07 2019, 11:19 pm
Because what other excuse would I have to get down on the floor and build a huge magnatile tower?
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Post Wed, Aug 07 2019, 11:23 pm
amother [ Purple ] wrote:
Because what other excuse would I have to get down on the floor and build a huge magnatile tower?

I would also only post this as amother. You aware that anything built with magnatiles ends in tears and tantrum? It comes crashing down at lighting speed just as we were about to start playing with it.
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Post Wed, Aug 07 2019, 11:42 pm
simba wrote:
I thought of another reason to have children: to watch them sleep!

Agreed. I can stand by the door for a long time and just watch and thank the one above for the precious gifts. Smile Yes
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Post Wed, Aug 07 2019, 11:46 pm
Hey! You left out-

because I want to be on mikvah break for a while (9 months pregnant and 9 months nursing clean).

Because they will run the last minute errands for you

To use as an excuse for bailing on occasions and parties. Especially those involving the in laws...
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Post Wed, Aug 07 2019, 11:47 pm
amother [ Lime ] wrote:
So a woman should be able to have as many kids as she wants irrelevant of her husband's desire because it is her body?

What if financial responsibility falls on him and he is beyond stressed and feels like he can't put in more time or make more money?

What if he feels his home is on the brink of dysfunction?

What if he does most of the childcare because she works and is not home or struggles with illnesses?

What if he is a great father and husband but feels that he is at capacity and is happy with life as it is and just doesn't want to rock the boat.

They should definitely have a conversation, but don't be so quick to judge him.

I agree.

Also, I completely agree with op. Seriously, there were a few threads recently about large families and some posters were adamant about the need to just keep having kids saying they Could manage.well, clearly, with all threads complaining about kids home all this time before schl.....is a contradiction that kids are a blessing!!!

Well, if u want to say ur children need structure, guess wat??? U can create the structure for them by doing activities with them etc....spend this time with them now bec they are a blessing....(I do this wen I'm off wen they are off.) if u are working, that's a different story..

But, a lot of posters here who say have one kid after another and then complain that why do their kids have off(the ones home with their babies) ..well, then u are not managing well if u can't create structures for a few days and yes, pls stop complaining unless u are working and can't find a babysitter....
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Post Wed, Aug 07 2019, 11:53 pm
amother [ Orange ] wrote:

This gif is giving me life!
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Post Thu, Aug 08 2019, 12:16 am
Today my 18 year old took my 6 year old to the grocery store.

I got a personal shopper and babysitter out of my teenager.

On the other hand, I lacked my credit card and van, since he took them.

Every choice we make to say YES is also a choice to say NO to something else.

As humans, we can keep re-evaluating. And we can decide to do X for a couple of hours/days/years, and then switch to Y or Z, and later switch back.

I mean, why would anyone make their home a comfortable and beautiful place to be, and then choose to leave home to vacation?

Why would anyone choose to listen to music if they sometimes want silence?

Why would anyone decide to clean the kitchen, if tomorrow they'll choose to bake a million frosted cupcakes? Or pop loads of popcorn with the kids!!! And the deer!!!
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Post Thu, Aug 08 2019, 12:18 am
I'm currently hiding out in my bathroom to read this, so I think that speaks for itself. Wink
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Post Thu, Aug 08 2019, 12:23 am
Rappel wrote:
I'm currently hiding out in my bathroom to read this, so I think that speaks for itself. Wink

The bathroom was actually available????
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Post Thu, Aug 08 2019, 12:45 am
amother [ Burgundy ] wrote:
The bathroom was actually available????

Mine is.. doesn’t mean the floor hasn’t been peed on by a half a sleep child. Was someone asking why?
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Post Thu, Aug 08 2019, 12:50 am
amother [ Burgundy ] wrote:
Can we go back to the fun answers?
Pretty please with a cherry on top?

So they can take care of us when we are old.
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Post Thu, Aug 08 2019, 1:02 am
So we can jump on trampolines. And not die of embarrassment.
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Post Thu, Aug 08 2019, 1:11 am
Jewishfoodie wrote:
So we can jump on trampolines. And not die of embarrassment.

So we can go on amusement park rides and have our kids on our laps or sitting next to us.
I'm still dying to play ball and jumprope. Waiting for my kids to be that age ao I will be able to.
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Post Thu, Aug 08 2019, 1:12 am
Because if you want to conduct psychological experiments on other people's children, you need to run it past a committee.

Because now I have an excuse for everything from the house being a wreck to not calling my grandmother to the fact that my stomach looks like a marshmellow that's been through the microwave.

Because now there's finally someone around who I can beat at board games.
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Post Thu, Aug 08 2019, 1:18 am
And a serious answer for OP

- because I like spending time with my kids when we're all on vacation, not when they are on vacation and I'm frantically trying to finish work assignments while people yell "moooooom I'm huuuuuuungry" in the background.

- because even with people you love more than life itself, two straight months of spending all day every day together is a lot.

- because you can enjoy spending time talking to your kids, reading to them, doing activities together, etc, and yet not enjoy constantly coordinating activities and supervising playtime. The same way you can love and enjoy your children but not enjoy washing pee off the floor.

- because it's summer, and why the heck is vacation at the one time of year when it's actually dangerous to go outside??? (in Israel, although summer gets unpleasant in plenty of other places too). The quantity of vacation time is fine, but the timing... blech.
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Post Thu, Aug 08 2019, 1:20 am
amother [ Red ] wrote:
The answer is simple: It's the only way to have grandchildren later.

Absolutely! Grandchildren are our reward for allowing our kids to survive to adulthood! Very Happy LOL Very Happy LOL Very Happy LOL
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Post Thu, Aug 08 2019, 1:33 am
amother [ Red ] wrote:
The answer is simple: It's the only way to have grandchildren later.

No guarantees.... Sad
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Post Thu, Aug 08 2019, 1:36 am
ora_43 wrote:
- because it's summer, and why the heck is vacation at the one time of year when it's actually dangerous to go outside??? (in Israel, although summer gets unpleasant in plenty of other places too). The quantity of vacation time is fine, but the timing... blech.


2 months home alone with my kids would be SO much more enjoyable if we could at least leave the apartment!
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