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What's the hardest part of Pesach prep for you?
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Post Tue, Mar 15 2022, 1:34 pm
amother [ Hawthorn ] wrote:
That my family wants to be fed erev Pesach and the couple days leading up to it. Can't they just subsist on bananas and apples and the occasional piece of chocolate like me?

Can't agree more finding food for Meshtia boys to eat the week before Pesach is the hardest.
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Post Tue, Mar 15 2022, 5:37 pm
I find hard having the kids too early at home when weather not good and need to stay indoor- fighting and hungry the whole time
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Bnei Berak 10


Post Tue, Mar 15 2022, 6:32 pm
salt wrote:
The trick is to keep it clean all year round - wipe down spills, sticky bits, etc.
I know easier said than done.

My hardest part is cooking with different utensils, small toaster oven (we don't kasher and use our regular one), sticky covered surfaces that you can't keep properly clean.
And having to come up with a varied menu out of matza, eggs and potatoes!

I'm so done with different utensils. I invested in good knives, good cutting board and a very large toaster oven. There is no way I am cooking with sub par tools anymore. Peach is enough challenging as it is.
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Post Tue, Mar 15 2022, 9:16 pm
Why can’t all of you with little kids give them kitniyos food like rice Chex, rice cakes, kosher lepesach chips etc. so won’t have to worry about bringing chametz every where.
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Post Sun, Mar 20 2022, 1:37 am
For me it's the anxiety of planning it all out and figuring out what needs to be done and when. It's like running a huge operation. I'm always afraid I will mess up something huge.
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Post Sun, Mar 20 2022, 2:03 am
creditcards wrote:
For me it's the anxiety of planning it all out and figuring out what needs to be done and when. It's like running a huge operation. I'm always afraid I will mess up something huge.

True. It's a multi-part operation. And a little like a puzzle.

You have to clean the house early, but not too early that it will likely become chometzdik again too close to Pesach.

You have to clean and kasher the kitchen, but not too close to Pesach so you have enough time to cook, not too early that you will need to cook chometz but have nowhere to cook it. You need to plan meals for this in-between time and have where to eat them.

You need to purchase meats, dairy, produce, and paper goods in advance enough to cook with them, but make sure you have a cleaned space to store them and enough room for all of them. Cannot purchase some items too early or they will not stay fresh. You need to buy enough but not too much, and certainly not too little.

There are a lot of requirements for the seder, limited food so it's harder to keep everyone full and satisfied, and chometz creates a certain amount of built-in anxiety.

But I find that if I start from Seder night and work backwards, I can come up with a doable plan. And Hashem helps, I've made Pesach many times under various circumstances and it always works out in the end! Our best really IS good enough.
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Post Mon, Mar 13 2023, 1:32 pm
miracle wrote:
Did you hear about the Pre-Pesach workshops starting next week? www.powerupforpesach.org
I attended last year and it was sooo incredible powerful with only 8 workshops, this year they have more than 20 workshops and all FREE until Erev Pesach

They are back and sooo excited
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Post Mon, Mar 13 2023, 1:40 pm
Cleaning the fridge. We don't have outside cleaning help. My husband pulls apart the shelves and bins. I wash it in the bathtub. Hate it.
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Post Mon, Mar 13 2023, 1:44 pm
I am doing a bunch of home repairs and recently got a new fridge. I also had a really deep cleaning done as part of it and I gave my kids the biggest lecture on eating at the table. I am also done buying chametz snacks for the house. Will keep with kitnios and they can take pretzels and cookies to school if they want. But I am not wrecking how clean my house is lol.
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Post Mon, Mar 13 2023, 1:46 pm
Not making everyone miserable with restrictions before the house is totally turned over
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Post Mon, Mar 13 2023, 1:55 pm
Turning over the kitchen and cooking. And all the planning.
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Post Mon, Mar 13 2023, 2:56 pm
Most definitely the shopping. And for DH it's definitely covering the shopping expenses.

I don't mind the cleaning. I actually enjoy it, especially the organizing part.

Cooking is not too bad either. It's simple and I don't feel the pressure of having to cook and bake as lavish as Sukkos. It's all basics which makes life a lot easier.

Last edited by Daliya on Wed, Mar 15 2023, 12:28 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Post Mon, Mar 13 2023, 2:58 pm
For me its
I dont want to start cleaning too often cuz the place is still lived in. I.e. cant start the playroom too soon because the kids use it every day.
Plus whatever I clean will get dirty again like if I clean the guestroom it will still get dust all over after 2 weeks. yeah yeah I know dust isnt chometz.
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Post Mon, Mar 13 2023, 3:02 pm
The turning over is the most time consuming, stressful and most difficult part for me.
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Post Tue, Mar 14 2023, 12:29 am
WitchKitty wrote:
When to 'turn over'. When to clean the dining room. When to start cooking.
It always needs to be not to early, because you don't want extra pesach days, and not too late so there's no stress. And it changes ever year, depending on the day pesach starts...

This. Very much so.
The most stressful and anxiety inducing time is the in-between when we haven't "turned over" yet but the house is mostly ready for Pesach.
Once we start cooking, there is no more real chametz in the house.
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Post Tue, Mar 14 2023, 2:02 am
amother Sage wrote:
True. It's a multi-part operation. And a little like a puzzle.

You have to clean the house early, but not too early that it will likely become chometzdik again too close to Pesach.

You have to clean and kasher the kitchen, but not too close to Pesach so you have enough time to cook, not too early that you will need to cook chometz but have nowhere to cook it. You need to plan meals for this in-between time and have where to eat them.

You need to purchase meats, dairy, produce, and paper goods in advance enough to cook with them, but make sure you have a cleaned space to store them and enough room for all of them. Cannot purchase some items too early or they will not stay fresh. You need to buy enough but not too much, and certainly not too little.

There are a lot of requirements for the seder, limited food so it's harder to keep everyone full and satisfied, and chometz creates a certain amount of built-in anxiety.

I can't like this post enough! You've really nailed it, Sage - what an appropriate username!
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