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Has anyone downloaded the App from Raizy Fried?
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Post Fri, Sep 09 2022, 12:53 pm
amother Oldlace wrote:
An app cannot be used without internet access though it can be used without a browser. Waze and emails use internet and for many people who look like Raizy those are unacceptable too.

I know she isn't davka targeting the chassidish crowd, but she is a chassidish woman who looks very much chassidish, and I think that's the part that's bothersome. No one had an issue with Malky Knopfler.

Oh come on! Why can't a chassidish women that looks chassidish do what she's doing?? Why is it bothersome? Because you decided so and can't find it in your heart to fargin her success? Who doesn't use email or waze? A tiny tiny minority don't. Most people do. It's acceptable for most people nowadays. As well as online shopping. An app on a locked phone does NOT mean internet access. Kosher phones come with apps. All filters allow certain apps. Just because it works using internet, doesn't mean that it has internet access. Most things in the world nowadays use internet and we all use internet on some way in our daily lives.
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Post Fri, Sep 09 2022, 12:54 pm
amother Oldlace wrote:
1) Agreed. Raizy is doing it for business, but the ppl buying the app are nto.
2) That's your opinion; I haven't fully formed mine yet, but I understand those who don't agree with you
3) I don't see the relevance, but since you asked, I'll answer: Those who look chassidish should not be selling nor promoting lace wigs since our rabbanim are against it.

Lol, your name on this thread!
I’m curious, are you chassidish?
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Post Fri, Sep 09 2022, 12:57 pm
I agree she’s amazing, but I feel that she is pushing away her core followers by charging a subscription fee.

Between Carpools managed to monetize their website through ads and links, without charging a subscription fee.
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Post Fri, Sep 09 2022, 12:58 pm
crust wrote:
You either belive that it is wrong to use the internet for entertainment and parnassah or you believe that it is not.

This is not called black and white thinking.

This is called asking for a double standard.

Op is allowed to be on imamother, a site known for mockery of everything chassidish.

Raizy is not allowed to produce her own app.

You and I both know that putting entertainment and parnassah together is disingenuous. OP is not allowed to be on Imamother, she might feel guilty about her internet usage (no idea, just suggesting), she does it b'tzinah because it's assur, and she has a hard time with seeing someone else promote its use publicly.
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Post Fri, Sep 09 2022, 1:03 pm
amother Mayflower wrote:
I think that people can't fathom that a chassidish women can be so successful and creative and smart, so it causes them to talk negatively on her as a person.

No, that's not it. When she produced her cookbooks and was successful bh in every other endeavor she's undertaken, no one had an issue with it. Her very public presence on instagram was a halbe tzura, but you could pretend it was a side thing. An app is next level (even though I do agree that it's a thousand times more kosher than instagram).
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Post Fri, Sep 09 2022, 1:05 pm
amother Phlox wrote:
Lol, your name on this thread!
I’m curious, are you chassidish?

Yes, that's how I understand the mentality. I'm withholding my own opinions here, but I can understand OP's problem.
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Post Fri, Sep 09 2022, 1:10 pm
amother Oldlace wrote:
Yes, that's how I understand the mentality. I'm withholding my own opinions here, but I can understand OP's problem.

OP originally started the thread to ask if it's worth it to subscribe. I think she just started it so she should be able to bash and put her down.
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Post Fri, Sep 09 2022, 1:11 pm
amother Oldlace wrote:
1) Agreed. Raizy is doing it for business, but the ppl buying the app are nto.
2) That's your opinion; I haven't fully formed mine yet, but I understand those who don't agree with you
3) I don't see the relevance, but since you asked, I'll answer: Those who look chassidish should not be selling nor promoting lace wigs since our rabbanim are against it.

Not every chassidish rav is against lace wigs. Mine isn't.
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Post Fri, Sep 09 2022, 1:11 pm
amother Phlox wrote:
I wonder if it’s only bothersome to non chasidish people. I’m chasidish, as are most of my friends, and I don’t know anyone who has an issue with her app. In fact, most chasidish people I know are truly impressed with they way she built a business doing something she loves.

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Post Fri, Sep 09 2022, 1:21 pm
amother Oldlace wrote:
An app cannot be used without internet access though it can be used without a browser. Waze and emails use internet and for many people who look like Raizy those are unacceptable too.

I know she isn't davka targeting the chassidish crowd, but she is a chassidish woman who covers her wig, and I think that's the part that's bothersome. No one had an issue with Malky Knopfler.

Raizy is also a chasisidish woman who drives which many chassidishe women dont do so does that mean that she shouldnt be accepted as a chassidishe person because she is more modern (by "modern" I mean that she drives lol)? No one started driving just because she drives and no one will download the app if they dont believe that its kosher for them so not sure what this conversation is about.
Raizy figured out a way to make money (even if she is copying Malky and Malky was upset about it which she mentioned on a insta live because it takes away followers because people dont want to pay that much money for two different shows. Malky also said that the doing it on the app is more expensive so it looks like Raizy has access to more money which may also be why she is charging per month instead of per episode like Malky), not sure why anyone is bothered by it as no one is forced to download the app. Its good to have entertainment options in the Jewish community and while it may take away business from the person who had the original idea we still have to remember that parnassah comes from Hashem so each person will only make what Hashem decides that they should make. Its before Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur, lets all focus our energy on asking Hashem to give us all parnassah and health and everything else we need and that we should be zocheh to see Moshiach already. Perhaps if we all stop fighting and take care of each other then Moshiach can come already.
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Post Fri, Sep 09 2022, 1:26 pm
Fave wrote:
I agree she’s amazing, but I feel that she is pushing away her core followers by charging a subscription fee.

Between Carpools managed to monetize their website through ads and links, without charging a subscription fee.

She is doing something very different than between carpool. I won't pay for it but there obviously is people who will.
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Post Fri, Sep 09 2022, 1:27 pm
amother Oldlace wrote:
You and I both know that putting entertainment and parnassah together is disingenuous. OP is not allowed to be on Imamother, she might feel guilty about her internet usage (no idea, just suggesting), she does it b'tzinah because it's assur, and she has a hard time with seeing someone else promote its use publicly.

I am putting entertainment and parnassah together because I don't have the time to write up such detailed posts.

Ok. Let me spell it out.

If you believe that it is ok to have internet for entertainment and מכל שכן for parnassah then you believe it is ok to have internet for entertainment and מכל שכן for parnassah.

You can't choose for it to be ok for you but not for someone else.

One version of it is not better than another version of it.

B'tzina? Who ever came up with that as a solution?!

You can come up with new torelech about b'tzina for yourself to assuage your own guilt if you have.
But you can't say that b'tzina is some new psak across the board.

OP didn't meet us at a physical get together. She came onto imamother, aka an online site, to complain about what? About another woman, like her, using not davka the internet but an app which is basically using IT or AI.

OP and you might have shame about your internet usage. Raizy doesn't have that shame. She is comfortable in her own skin.

You might be afraid for your children's schools. It seems like Raizy doesn't have that problem.

Is that too hard to believe?
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Post Fri, Sep 09 2022, 1:33 pm
amother Mayflower wrote:
OP originally started the thread to ask if it's worth it to subscribe. I think she just started it so she should be able to bash and put her down.

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Post Fri, Sep 09 2022, 1:38 pm
crust wrote:
I am putting entertainment and parnassah together because I don't have the time to write up such detailed posts.

Ok. Let me spell it out.

If you believe that it is ok to have internet for entertainment and מכל שכן for parnassah then you believe it is ok to have internet for entertainment and מכל שכן for parnassah.

You can't choose for it to be ok for you but not for someone else.

One version of it is not better than another version of it.

B'tzina? Who ever came up with that as a solution?!

You can come up with new torelech about b'tzina for yourself to assuage your own guilt if you have.
But you can't say that b'tzina is some new psak across the board.

OP didn't meet us at a physical get together. She came onto imamother, aka an online site, to complain about what? About another woman, like her, using not davka the internet but an app which is basically using IT or AI.

OP and you might have shame about your internet usage. Raizy doesn't have that shame. She is comfortable in her own skin.

You might be afraid for your children's schools. It seems like Raizy doesn't have that problem.

Is that too hard to believe?

I'm wondering if you really don't understand OP's issue but you have an agenda. We won't fight chassidish city hall here on imamother. It is what it is though you wish it weren't.

I wish Raizy and you and OP all the best.
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Post Fri, Sep 09 2022, 1:41 pm
Words are very powerful. But if we never speak how do we process and make sense of things together?
This is what goes on in my mind.

I love Raizy. I make her challa’s every week. I think she spread the light of shabbos and elevated it for many many people. I appreciate the power of that.
I think she elevates and spreads the beauty of the Jewish home and being the feminine presence in the Jewish home.
I enjoy her exuberance and zest for life.
She’s very obviously a team with her husband and a growing person.

I’m not anti the internet. Did not go to the asifah. Do not believe in that at all. I think it’s petty approach.
I think internet is a powerful platform. Raizy capitalized it to spread yiddishkeit. I believe in that!

I believe the internet is dangerous too. Ultimate test in bechira. Will I use it for good or for bad.
For me. My test is more the waste of time. Using my time more wisely.
But I’ve learned so so so so so much from the internet. From this forum, from Instagram and from YouTube. It’s the new college. And information is so available. Bh!!

I love that the internet could unite Jewish women from all over the world. I’m sad when that gets taken away.

I think Raizy should collaborate with Comic Cook I think they should promote each other. It would be a wise interpersonal move. Being that comic cook was first at it. And it’s still brand new. And she was just on her show.

Also Raizy is showing less vulnerability lately. Probably because she’s feeling very vulnerable. She put herself out there now big time. And there’s I’m sure some backlash and pressures that come with it. Which I’m sure makes her scared and vulnerable. And to defend oneself a person could become more focused on their strong persona and image.

I’ve made many mistakes in my own personal and work life. And figured it out. And we have to give Raizy room to experiment, botch up and figure it out. It’s never a linear journey. But you can’t know until you try. And once you try. You tweek. And grow and who knows what will be in the end? All we can know is that it will be good. It’s already good. And it takes time to do all this.

I wish Raizy the very best true success! And anyone that is jealous of her. No worries. Just learn from your jealousy and figure out what you need and want in your own life.
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Post Fri, Sep 09 2022, 1:42 pm
amother Oldlace wrote:
I'm wondering if you really don't understand OP's issue but you have an agenda. We won't fight chassidish city hall here on imamother. It is what it is though you wish it weren't.

I wish Raizy and you and OP all the best.

Crust doesn't have an agenda. You and OP do.
OP's question was if it's worth it to spend for it or not. It was good click bait for her true agenda.
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Post Fri, Sep 09 2022, 1:42 pm
Raizy is Belz. Since when does Belz have an issue with the internet?
I know so many Belze women with smartphones.

This conversation is not even applicable to her.
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Post Fri, Sep 09 2022, 1:43 pm
seltzermom wrote:
Words are very powerful. But if we never speak how do we process and make sense of things together?
This is what goes on in my mind.

I love Raizy. I make her challa’s every week. I think she spread the light of shabbos and elevated it for many many people. I appreciate the power of that.
I think she elevates and spreads the beauty of the Jewish home and being the feminine presence in the Jewish home.
I enjoy her exuberance and zest for life.
She’s very obviously a team with her husband and a growing person.

I’m not anti the internet. Did not go to the asifah. Do not believe in that at all. I think it’s petty approach.
I think internet is a powerful platform. Raizy capitalized it to spread yiddishkeit. I believe in that!

I believe the internet is dangerous too. Ultimate test in bechira. Will I use it for good or for bad.
For me. My test is more the waste of time. Using my time more wisely.
But I’ve learned so so so so so much from the internet. From this forum, from Instagram and from YouTube. It’s the new college. And information is so available. Bh!!

I love that the internet could unite Jewish women from all over the world. I’m sad when that gets taken away.

I think Raizy should collaborate with Comic Cook I think they should promote each other. It would be a wise interpersonal move. Being that comic cook was first at it. And it’s still brand new. And she was just on her show.

Also Raizy is showing less vulnerability lately. Probably because she’s feeling very vulnerable. She put herself out there now big time. And there’s I’m sure some backlash and pressures that come with it. Which I’m sure makes her scared and vulnerable. And to defend oneself a person could become more focused on their strong persona and image.

I’ve made many mistakes in my own personal and work life. And figured it out. And we have to give Raizy room to experiment, botch up and figure it out. It’s never a linear journey. But you can’t know until you try. And once you try. You tweek. And grow and who knows what will be in the end? All we can know is that it will be good. It’s already good. And it takes time to do all this.

I wish Raizy the very best true success! And anyone that is jealous of her. No worries. Just learn from your jealousy and figure out what you need and want in your own life.

Beautiful post!
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Post Fri, Sep 09 2022, 1:48 pm
amother Copper wrote:
Raizy is Belz. Since when does Belz have an issue with the internet?
I know so many Belze women with smartphones.

This conversation is not even applicable to her.

You wish.
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Post Fri, Sep 09 2022, 1:51 pm
amother Oldlace wrote:
You wish.

Idk when were in school they would always do live video hookups to events in E”Y through the internet.

They were never really anti tech.
Maybe things have changed recently.
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