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Forum -> Parenting our children -> Infants
When did you move your dc out

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Post Thu, Dec 09 2010, 2:10 pm
My birthing teacher told us that at 6 months get the baby out or else it'll be really hard to move the baby out of the room. My baby is almost 6 months and I'm far from ready emotionally to move him out. When did you do it and how did it work out?
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Post Thu, Dec 09 2010, 2:14 pm
I moved dd out when she was 12 months she had no problems bh only dh & I had!!
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Post Thu, Dec 09 2010, 2:15 pm
I think it's really an individual thing. I personally stopped at 5 months and that was because DS starting to wake up alot and as soon as we moved him out he continued sleeping through the night. There is no right or wrong what works for you. If you feel you are not emotionally ready and it's all working out I don't see any reason for you to send him out if you have no problem with it. JMHO.
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Post Thu, Dec 09 2010, 2:17 pm
First night home. I didn't envision a baby in my room when there were spare rooms! and if there weren't, the baby would have been in the living room. Or at worst, us in the living room and baby in the room.
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Post Thu, Dec 09 2010, 2:21 pm
I did at 5 months one & at 6 months the other. We both slept better. This way they only got up to nurse & went back to sleep.
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Post Thu, Dec 09 2010, 2:51 pm
I did at 2 months. The baby was getting too big for his bassinette and was hitting its sides at night and waking himself up. So, we moved him into the crib that was waiting for him in his own room and he was fine.

If you're worried about safety issues, a video monitor might help so that you can see what's going on.
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ray family


Post Thu, Dec 09 2010, 3:21 pm
15 mos
17 mos
13 mos old is still w/ me
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Post Thu, Dec 09 2010, 3:25 pm
1 1/2-3 years. Except my first. The one with which I ignored many of my own instincts and followed the advice of others. Sad
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Post Thu, Dec 09 2010, 4:38 pm
Inspired wrote:
1 1/2-3 years. Except my first. The one with which I ignored many of my own instincts and followed the advice of others. Sad

can you elaborate and was it hard to move your big kids out?
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Post Thu, Dec 09 2010, 7:03 pm
we just moved our 13 month baby out of our room. she was fine. only problem was that she moved into her big brother's room so now he gets up at 5 am with the baby (he used to sleep till 7). but the baby is totally fine. no adjustment whatsoever. I hate when people make blanket statements like that, every baby is different, and if having the baby in your room is working for you it makes no sense to move her out just because you're scared of it being a problem later.
some of the best parenting advice I ever got was from my sister, she said bad habits like that are ok as long as its working. when its no longer working you'll undo whatever you need to undo. preventing doesnt always work, sometimes it backfires.
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Post Fri, Dec 10 2010, 3:12 am
sugarplum wrote:
Inspired wrote:
1 1/2-3 years. Except my first. The one with which I ignored many of my own instincts and followed the advice of others. Sad

can you elaborate and was it hard to move your big kids out?

I do it slowly. I don't make it an immediate total change.
3 and 4 year olds are still welcomed to sleep in my bed if they wake up in the middle of the night, but it is usually actually early morning.
An example time line:
    First put a bed in the other room and tell the child, this is your new big kid bed, do you want to sit on it and read a book?Very Happy

    Next day, do you want to take a nap in your big kid bed?

    Day after that, lets go to sleep in your big kid bed.
    Go and lay with the child or bring into your bed when waking up in the middle of the night.

    Make it regular routine that bed time happens in big kid bed, Mommy or Abba come to the bed in the middle of the night when child awakens and cries.

    If the child is older (3) introduce the idea of just coming to Mommy's bed when you wake up in the night or in the morning.

    Make it a "rule" that if Mommy is in her bed you come to her and no screaming/ crying.

    By 4-5 years old the rule becomes no coming to Mommy's bed before 6am (or whatever time you want to pick) under regular circumstances.

    By 10 yo they ae sleeping in their own bed full time. Wink No seriously the above could happen over anywhere from a few weeks to 2 years. Depending on the age and temperament of the child, and the rest of my family's needs at the time.

It works well for me, BH. To me it is not hard, but a part of parenting. A different system to me, was definitely harder.
Currently, BH, I have a full size bed. When I have had a twin I had a mattress on the floor for the kid who came in to sleep on.
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