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Akeres Habayis- Vaccines- Who's speaking???
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Post Sun, Feb 14 2016, 9:38 am
amother wrote:
You raised a valid point, it's human nature to trust the majority opinion. However the majority of MD's worldwide do NOT recommend Hep-B only for babies in high risk such as mother tests positive, or child of drug addicts & harlots .

Anyone can verify via medical billing companies, that MD bills over $1000 more per vaccinated baby in 1st 12 months alone. Not so easy for them to see the other side.


You raise good points too. About hepatitis b vaccine, we live in the real world with humans and people make mistakes. It is extremely unlikely, yet still possible, to contract hepatitis even without being s-xually active or engaging in other questionable activities. For example, I know a nurse who punctured herself with a needle within a few seconds of having removed that needle from an AIDS carrying patient.

I also unexpectedly once went to South Africa with a baby under a year. the hepatitis b vaccine is recommended to tourists before traveling there. It was a last minute ticket and it would have been very stressful to have to run to the doctor to get my baby vaccinated before we traveled. However, thankfully she had been vaccinated.

A baby under a year is at the biggest risk if they come in contact with many illnesses.

Also, if you really think that it's all about the doctors making money, that may be true. However, to understand where the money is coming from, I believe that most of the money is from the insurance who will prefer to pay for a vaccine than to risk paying thousands of dollars more in damage control. Meaning that the insurance company has done its own research and discovered that they save a significant amount of money by sponsoring vaccines because it significantly decreases the likelihood of contracting the illness and that treatment of the illness costs that much more.
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Post Sun, Feb 14 2016, 11:17 am
Do people really pay heed to an anonymous hotline? For life and death matters?
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Post Sun, Feb 14 2016, 11:22 am
what happened to her children?
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Post Sun, Feb 14 2016, 11:33 am
Maybe wrote:
As a human you are entitled to an opinion, so is she & the MDs she brings on the line. I know her & famnoily personally,

She was so pro-vax until her kids were injured 1 after the other, oy vey the harassment she was subjected to

Ok so HER kids have a genetic issue and shouldnt be vaccinated. I feel really bad. Its very sad. Why prosletize to the rest of the world? What does it have to do with them? Billions of kids are fine and dont want to get polio or pertussis...
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Post Sun, Feb 14 2016, 11:33 am
Heyaaa wrote:
I also unexpectedly once went to South Africa with a baby under a year. the hepatitis b vaccine is recommended to tourists before traveling there. It was a last minute ticket and it would have been very stressful to have to run to the doctor to get my baby vaccinated before we traveled. However, thankfully she had been vaccinated.

I guess we're really doing this again. Hep B =/= Hep A.

From the CDC:
http://wwwnc.cdc.gov/travel/destinations/traveler/none/south-africa wrote:

Health Information for Travelers to South Africa

All travelers: You should be up to date on routine vaccinations while traveling to any destination. Some vaccines may also be required for travel.
Routine vaccines: Make sure you are up-to-date on routine vaccines before every trip. These vaccines include measles-mumps-rubella (MMR) vaccine, diphtheria-tetanus-pertussis vaccine, varicella (chickenpox) vaccine, polio vaccine, and your yearly flu shot.

Most travelers: Get travel vaccines and medicines because there is a risk of these diseases in the country you are visiting.
Hepatitis A: CDC recommends this vaccine because you can get hepatitis A through contaminated food or water in South Africa, regardless of where you are eating or staying.

Some travelers: Ask your doctor what vaccines and medicines you need based on where you are going, how long you are staying, what you will be doing, and if you are traveling from a country other than the US.
Hepatitis B: You can get hepatitis B through s-xual contact, contaminated needles, and blood products, so CDC recommends this vaccine if you might have relations with a new partner, get a tattoo or piercing, or have any medical procedures.

Does your baby like her new tattoo? Or was it a piercing?

Last edited by 5*Mom on Sun, Feb 14 2016, 12:33 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Post Sun, Feb 14 2016, 12:15 pm
Heyaaa wrote:
You raise good points too. About hepatitis b vaccine, we live in the real world with humans and people make mistakes. It is extremely unlikely, yet still possible, to contract hepatitis even without being s-xually active or engaging in other questionable activities. For example, I know a nurse who punctured herself with a needle within a few seconds of having removed that needle from an AIDS carrying patient.

I also unexpectedly once went to South Africa with a baby under a year. the hepatitis b vaccine is recommended to tourists before traveling there. It was a last minute ticket and it would have been very stressful to have to run to the doctor to get my baby vaccinated before we traveled. However, thankfully she had been vaccinated.

A baby under a year is at the biggest risk if they come in contact with many illnesses.

Also, if you really think that it's all about the doctors making money, that may be true. However, to understand where the money is coming from, I believe that most of the money is from the insurance who will prefer to pay for a vaccine than to risk paying thousands of dollars more in damage control. Meaning that the insurance company has done its own research and discovered that they save a significant amount of money by sponsoring vaccines because it significantly decreases the likelihood of contracting the illness and that treatment of the illness costs that much more.

99.% Do not travel to South Africa or work with Aids patients, why is Hep-B mandatory only USA

Please do some homework on insurance company profit margin cap rules. Imagine groceries would have a rule, 10% profit margin on food, they would try to multiply their cost in order to multiply their profits

2 million girls born,& 20,000 new ovarian cancer cases annually. Harvard study says Mumps not the vaccine protects against ovarian cancer .We report you decide.

To dancingqueen: You ask: Do people really pay heed to an anonymous hotline? For life and death matters?

Gr8 question, Answer is no, however she provides sources & brings on licensed professionals who share her view .
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Post Sun, Feb 14 2016, 12:32 pm
5*Mom wrote:

I'm not sure how you're contradicting what I said.
You could live your life either thinking that you'll never be that one in a million or you can live your life thinking that you may be that one in a million.

I live my life thinking that if I do end up being the one in a million, I will forever regret it if I didn't do what is suggested to prepare myself.

Meaning, it's unlikely that someone would be in contact with a disease but you never know. I actually know of it happening twice that someone I know came in contact with a contaminated needle. Once, the needle had been used on an AIDS patient, and I don't know what the story was the other time. Both of them are fine btw.
I have never been told about anyone that I personally know, that they had a side effect from a vaccine.

None of my relatives, including dhs, have ever had a bad reaction to a vaccine.
Therefore, given my experience, I would think it's more important to protect against a contaminated needle than against vaccines.

You never know where you'll end up. The best you can do is prevention. Some people believe that they need prevention from vaccines. I believe that vaccines are the prevention.
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Post Sun, Feb 14 2016, 12:36 pm
Heyaaa wrote:
I actually know of it happening twice that someone I know came in contact with a contaminated needle. ... None of my relatives, including dhs, have ever had a bad reaction to a vaccine. Therefore, given my experience, I would think it's more important to protect against a contaminated needle than against vaccines.

I would hope you would base your medical decisions on more scientifically sound principles, but to each their own.

Last edited by 5*Mom on Sun, Feb 14 2016, 12:43 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Post Sun, Feb 14 2016, 12:42 pm
Heyaaa wrote:
I'm not sure how you're contradicting what I said.

The information you presented about Hep B vax being recommended for tourists traveling to South Africa is not accurate. It is recommended for tourists who "might have relations with a new partner, get a tattoo or piercing, or have any medical procedures." Perhaps you are confusing Hep B with Hep A, which is contracted differently and is recommended for all tourists to South Africa.
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Post Sun, Feb 14 2016, 12:47 pm
5*Mom wrote:
I would hope you would base your medical decisions on more scientifically sound principles, but to each their own.

Im not sure why you're so snarky.

Yes I've done research. As I said earlier, with all the research I did, I came down to the realization that unless I actually did my own study complete with labwork, I would have to choose what to trust. Either I could trust the majority of doctors and the government or I could trust a minority of doctors and conspiracy theorists.

Since no one I know personally has ever had a bad reaction to a vaccine, I believe that it's safe to say that none of us have a genetic propensity against vaccines.
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Post Sun, Feb 14 2016, 12:49 pm
5*Mom wrote:
Does your baby like her new tattoo? Or was it a piercing?

I agree with you that there is not enough education when it comes to vaccines, but is sarcasm really the way to go? If other posters would have used it I imagine you most probably would not have appreciated it.
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Post Sun, Feb 14 2016, 1:10 pm
Heyaaa wrote:
Im not sure why you're so snarky.

I see how my attempt at light humor can be taken for snark and I apologize.
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Post Sun, Feb 14 2016, 1:28 pm
We are chassidish and vaccinate our children right before the beshow with the girl who will shave and won't drive and we won't allow enhanced secular studies either. At the tenoyim we sign that we will take epidural and breastfeed exclusively and the chussen promises to pay for cleaning help. If we follow all the terms we will be awarded a bugaboo. Those with a stellar record will get a bugaboo donkey.
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Post Sun, Feb 14 2016, 1:34 pm

This study is currently recruiting participants.

So on based on what scientific evidence are they pushing this on us ? All my old MD could say is CDC recommends it. Who is responsible if something happens ? not MD not CDC & not manufacturer.
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Post Sun, Feb 14 2016, 1:35 pm
Maybe wrote:
As a human you are entitled to an opinion, so is she & the MDs she brings on the line. I know her & family personally,

She was so pro-vax until her kids were injured 1 after the other, oy vey the harassment she was subjected to

She claims that 2 of her kids were affected by vaccines? If she has 2 children with issues isn't it more likely that they have a genetic illness?
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Post Sun, Feb 14 2016, 1:42 pm
amother wrote:
She claims that 2 of her kids were affected by vaccines? If she has 2 children with issues isn't it more likely that they have a genetic illness?

Sounds like a valid hypothesis

But how do you explain the fact that her younger non vaccinated kids are the healthiest kids you ever seen ?
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Post Sun, Feb 14 2016, 1:47 pm
Maybe wrote:
Sounds like a valid hypothesis

But how do you explain the fact that her younger non vaccinated kids are the healthiest kids you ever seen ?

My youngest non vaccinated kid is my only one with food allergies and has execema... um coincidence? How could this be? Shouldnt he be the epitome of health? He doesnt take medication. He eats organic. He also has physical/speech delays. He is my pnly one with delays

The healthiest children you have ever seen...
Um seriously??? Prove it.
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Post Sun, Feb 14 2016, 1:56 pm
Maybe wrote:
Sounds like a valid hypothesis

But how do you explain the fact that her younger non vaccinated kids are the healthiest kids you ever seen ?

How do you explain the fact that my kids, who are vaccinated AND formula-fed, can also enter that competition for "healthiest kids you ever seen"?
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Post Sun, Feb 14 2016, 2:29 pm
amother wrote:
If she has 2 children with issues isn't it more likely that they have a genetic illness?

Not genetic illness but perhaps a genetic predisposition toward adverse vaccine reactions, which may be shared by a percentage of the population that is significant enough that there is currently some fascinating emergent research ongoing at Mayo Clinic regarding genetic variations and susceptibility to serious adverse reactions to vaccines. It is hoped that this will lead to better, safer and more targeted vaccines and differentiated vaccine protocols rather than the current one-size-fits-all approach.

I'd love to hear from vaccinologist amother about this.
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Post Sun, Feb 14 2016, 2:39 pm
Bergundy amother
I don't think you are funny at all.
I think you make fun of every 'hysterical' thing u mention.
Ie shaved heads, beshows etc.
and instead it's very offensive post.
Grow up.

If any one of your kids had an adverse reaction from vaccines you would all be a little more sensitive. Until you walk a step in our shoes do not judge. Even if the vaccine is not the cause of our children's sudden change in development and behaviour please be sensitive. Our lives sometimes are utter h$ll.
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