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Alternative approach (spinoff)
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Post Thu, Nov 24 2016, 10:59 pm
amother wrote:
I dont have experience of an infant with uti and high fever. for a toddler with uti and fever ive used garlic, cranberry concentrate, and lots of fluids and Bh it went away.
garlic is natures abx.

It could be that with a toddler you caught it earlier, due to the child's feedback- it hurts when I use the bathroom, mommy, it burns, etc. With an infant there are no warning signs and its much less likely to reverse the infection successfully without antibiotics.
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Post Thu, Nov 24 2016, 11:00 pm
EnnuiGalore wrote:
Copper, you sound unbelievably stupid. It has more to do with your ideas, but if you'd write out "you're" or "your" instead of "ur" like a brainless teenager, you might....nah, even that wouldn't help.

Oh please. You're being persnickety. She's getting her point across just fine.
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Post Thu, Nov 24 2016, 11:03 pm
gold21 wrote:
It could be that with a toddler you caught it earlier, due to the child's feedback- it hurts when I use the bathroom, mommy, it burns, etc. With an infant there are no warning signs and its much less likely to reverse the infection successfully without antibiotics.
but how does an infant get a uti anyway? my toddler is holding it in often...so thats how she gets it.
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Post Thu, Nov 24 2016, 11:05 pm
Y'all know there's a happy medium, right? Shvil hazahav?
Bringing a kid to the doctor the second he coughs and throwing antibiotics at him for a viral illness is foolish. Not vaccinating and never giving abx is equally foolish. Both arise from ignorance.

A few random points here:

Not completing a course of abx will only lead to more resistant strains of bacteria in the future... just because you are feeling better does not mean that the bacteria has been eradicated. Always complete the full regimen!

And yes, antibiotics ARE poison... to the bacteria!! That's the point. I agree that many infections will resolve on their own and do not need intervention. But for those that will cause serious deleterious effects, you need to treat them with a targeted weapon, the appropriate antiinfective. I barely ever take myself, or give my kids antibiotics (I let time heal a sore throat, ear infection, febrile illness). I have taken antibiotics only once in my adult life (I'm in my 30s). I can only think of 2 instances in the last few years where any child of mine was on antibiotics. But if there is a known serious bacterial infection, there is only one cure...

Tylenol and motrin do NOT cause drowsiness (though benadryl does). Maybe your kids fall asleep after taking it because their pain is finally relieved. Tylenol actually has almost no side effects or risks as long as you are mindful of the daily dose.

You do realize that prior to the development of vaccines and antibiotics people (especially children) used to die with frightening rapidity from infections? B'H in todays day we do not have a healthy fear of these microorganisms because they are so infrequent, and because we can halt a potentially serious infection with such seeming ease? Childhood mortality has decreased tremendously thanks to the gifts of modern medicine that Hashem has graced us with. It is a gift from Hashem and we'd be foolish to throw the gift back in His face.
I sincerely hope the the rabidly anti-vax, anti-medicating mothers are blessed to never be in a situation where they have to painfully learn of the necessities of modern medicine. May Hashem protect the ignorant.
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Post Thu, Nov 24 2016, 11:07 pm
amother wrote:
Every single consumable item on earth has a safe dosage, including water. You're correct in that too much or too little [of anything] isn't safe. Drinking one cup of water a month could cause dehydration and drinking a thousand cups of water a day could cause water intoxication. Taking a tiny dose of antibiotics could cause a new strain of immune bacteria and taking way too much could kill lots of good bacteria in your body. However, just like 8 cups of water a day is a good idea, sometimes taking a prescribed amount of antibiotics is a good idea.

The key is to be as educated as possible, so you choose wisely and confidently. It's a shame that you live in gripping fear of things that are quite harmless. The world would be a much nicer place for you if you chose to learn about things rather than live in fear and abstinence of anything unfamiliar.

HA! Lady, the world would be a much nicer place for YOU if u learn the corruptness in the medical world, I talk from experience! Talk about who needs to learn a thing or two! Wonder who came first the dr or g-d gee, I need a genius to figure that one out, u know NOTHING about medicine, and who's living in fear? The one who's willing to stuff anything into their child for fair they get some third world illness (highly unlikely, and again, treatable if needed) without knowing the consequences in later years? Or one who lets the body naturally do what it's meant to do (with a watchful eye of course) and getting sick less often, yes it's true, my kids barely get sick bh,
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Post Thu, Nov 24 2016, 11:08 pm
amother wrote:
but how does an infant get a uti anyway? my toddler is holding it in often...so thats how she gets it.

it happens Sad

Last edited by gold21 on Thu, Nov 24 2016, 11:11 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Post Thu, Nov 24 2016, 11:08 pm
amother wrote:
Unfortunately for you, I will not shut up. I have a right to speak up even if you don't think so. I know your views, (you've always got quite a mouthful), and I disagree. We always hear the medical view, and now I'm sharing the alternative. Don't like it? Too bad.

It's not unfortunate for FF.
It's unfortunate for the silent readers who may lack the education and analytical skills to realise that most of what you are spouting has no scientific basis and many of the practices you advocate are dangerous. Such as stopping abx midway through a cycle.
I think these readers are the only reason to bother arguing with you - as unfortunately you have made it quite clear that you are unwilling to listen to any rational arguments that do not suit your agenda.
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Post Thu, Nov 24 2016, 11:10 pm
Can everyone please simmer down and be both kind and polite? Thanks.
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Post Thu, Nov 24 2016, 11:11 pm
amother wrote:
Hello Smile from a student of microbiology.
Not completing the full dosage of antibiotics is a great way to make that bacteria stronger. You can think of what you did as giving your child's bacterial infection a vaccine. You administered a tiny dose that doesn't kill the bacteria, and enough that it now knows how to fight the antibiotic in the future--voila, the next time that bacteria comes around it may be resistant to antibiotics.

Hi Student of Microbiology
Thanks for sharing your thoughts.
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Post Thu, Nov 24 2016, 11:12 pm
eschaya wrote:
Y'all know there's a happy medium, right? Shvil hazahav?
Bringing a kid to the doctor the second he coughs and throwing antibiotics at him for a viral illness is foolish. Not vaccinating and never giving abx is equally foolish. Both arise from ignorance.

A few random points here:

Not completing a course of abx will only lead to more resistant strains of bacteria in the future... just because you are feeling better does not mean that the bacteria has been eradicated. Always complete the full regimen!

And yes, antibiotics ARE poison... to the bacteria!! That's the point. I agree that many infections will resolve on their own and do not need intervention. But for those that will cause serious deleterious effects, you need to treat them with a targeted weapon, the appropriate antiinfective. I barely ever take myself, or give my kids antibiotics (I let time heal a sore throat, ear infection, febrile illness). I have taken antibiotics only once in my adult life (I'm in my 30s). I can only think of 2 instances in the last few years where any child of mine was on antibiotics. But if there is a known serious bacterial infection, there is only one cure...

Tylenol and motrin do NOT cause drowsiness (though benadryl does). Maybe your kids fall asleep after taking it because their pain is finally relieved. Tylenol actually has almost no side effects or risks as long as you are mindful of the daily dose.

You do realize that prior to the development of vaccines and antibiotics people (especially children) used to die with frightening rapidity from infections? B'H in todays day we do not have a healthy fear of these microorganisms because they are so infrequent, and because we can halt a potentially serious infection with such seeming ease? Childhood mortality has decreased tremendously thanks to the gifts of modern medicine that Hashem has graced us with. It is a gift from Hashem and we'd be foolish to throw the gift back in His face.
I sincerely hope the the rabidly anti-vax, anti-medicating mothers are blessed to never be in a situation where they have to painfully learn of the necessities of modern medicine. May Hashem protect the ignorant.

Wow the first smart women I've seen on here so far! Thanks for explaining it better than I

Although Tylenol and Motrin r not entirely risk free, it can cause damage to liver and kidney later in life, these things are not to be taken lightly and for every little thing ESP for having ur kids fall asleep faster Surprised
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Post Thu, Nov 24 2016, 11:13 pm
eschaya wrote:
Y'all know there's a happy medium, right? Shvil hazahav?
Bringing a kid to the doctor the second he coughs and throwing antibiotics at him for a viral illness is foolish. Not vaccinating and never giving abx is equally foolish. Both arise from ignorance.

A few random points here:

Not completing a course of abx will only lead to more resistant strains of bacteria in the future... just because you are feeling better does not mean that the bacteria has been eradicated. Always complete the full regimen!

And yes, antibiotics ARE poison... to the bacteria!! That's the point. I agree that many infections will resolve on their own and do not need intervention. But for those that will cause serious deleterious effects, you need to treat them with a targeted weapon, the appropriate antiinfective. I barely ever take myself, or give my kids antibiotics (I let time heal a sore throat, ear infection, febrile illness). I have taken antibiotics only once in my adult life (I'm in my 30s). I can only think of 2 instances in the last few years where any child of mine was on antibiotics. But if there is a known serious bacterial infection, there is only one cure...

Tylenol and motrin do NOT cause drowsiness (though benadryl does). Maybe your kids fall asleep after taking it because their pain is finally relieved. Tylenol actually has almost no side effects or risks as long as you are mindful of the daily dose.

You do realize that prior to the development of vaccines and antibiotics people (especially children) used to die with frightening rapidity from infections? B'H in todays day we do not have a healthy fear of these microorganisms because they are so infrequent, and because we can halt a potentially serious infection with such seeming ease? Childhood mortality has decreased tremendously thanks to the gifts of modern medicine that Hashem has graced us with. It is a gift from Hashem and we'd be foolish to throw the gift back in His face.
I sincerely hope the the rabidly anti-vax, anti-medicating mothers are blessed to never be in a situation where they have to painfully learn of the necessities of modern medicine. May Hashem protect the ignorant.

question- how many intelligent people really throw antibiotics at viral infections? this has been brought up a few times and im really trying to understand this. seeing as viral infections wont respond to antibiotics, it would be pointless to administer said antibiotics. why is this assumed to be a common occurrence?
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Post Thu, Nov 24 2016, 11:13 pm
amother wrote:
I'm pro science, pro health, and anti vaccine. I take excellent care of my family despite you thinking otherwise.

You can't be pro-science and anti-vaccine. But I'd have no problem with your rampant stupidity if it didn't have the capacity to affect your and other people's children. You don't take good care of your family at all - your only concern is your "natural" platform. I pity you and your children. I hope they grow up to be smarter than you clearly are. Now, please stop reproducing.
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Post Thu, Nov 24 2016, 11:16 pm
EnnuiGalore wrote:
You can't be pro-science and anti-vaccine. But I'd have no problem with your rampant stupidity if it didn't have the capacity to affect your and other people's children. You dont take good care of your family at all - your only concern is your "natural" platform. I pity you and your children. I hope they grow up to be smarter than you clearly are. Now, please stop reproducing.

Yup we should all take ur advice, please continue I'm taking notes...

Stupid and ignorant if ur even a mother at all! And yes maybe she's smarter than u and actually learning science n seeing that the body is designed to heal itself! Smarthead
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Post Thu, Nov 24 2016, 11:17 pm
If the body always healed itself, we would be immortal.

Are we?
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Post Thu, Nov 24 2016, 11:18 pm
sequoia wrote:
If the body always healed itself, we would be immortal.

Are we?

If u take care of it the proper way yes, are u?
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Post Thu, Nov 24 2016, 11:18 pm
amother wrote:
#1 Why can't u buy it over the counter? Why do u need a prescription for it?! Wow news flash it's unhealthy! In fact it's dangerous to take it for no reason, gee I wonder why.. oh so only when ur sick it's healthy, got it....so why does one need to finish the entire dosage hmm....maybe just cause the dr wants to make sure u really get the illness outa ya

#2 when u take antibiotics ur body stops fighting, cause the meds fighting the illness for u, making ur body weaker n weaker.... I proved it more than once, that's those who take antibiotics get sick more often, cause their body can't fight off infection on their own! And c"v when someone gets really sick with "the machla" their body is depleted n totally can't fight!

Let ur body do it's job! Gosh! Please do keep on top of it and monitor Symptoms etc....not saying to neglect but these days it's totally out of hand!

You do know that cancer and infections are totally different things right??? Taking antibiotics wont make it harder for a person to "fight " cancer.. which btw the human body can't do right now. Cancer and infections are not the same thing at all.
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Post Thu, Nov 24 2016, 11:23 pm
amother wrote:
If u take care of it the proper way yes, are u?

You're actually claiming that if you take proper care of yourself you could be immortal?? Oh my gosh, I didn't think this could get much crazier.
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Post Thu, Nov 24 2016, 11:23 pm
MagentaYenta wrote:
Your views will be open to criticism. Now I'm gonna gently step back because I think FF may have a special can of whoop azz just for you.

I know. She's loaded with "whoop azz" , waiting to explode. I know my views are open to criticism. I don't give a hoot what FF says. Our views are polar opposites.
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Post Thu, Nov 24 2016, 11:25 pm
amother wrote:
Unfortunately for you, I will not shut up. I have a right to speak up even if you don't think so. I know your views, (you've always got quite a mouthful), and I disagree. We always hear the medical view, and now I'm sharing the alternative. Don't like it? Too bad.

Don't you think google, your proclaimed doctor, gets its information from medicine? So you're actually not giving an alternative. What you offer is a mix of 'the medical view' and other web pages that someone paid google to put on page 1 for people like you to stop in.
If you'd speak to a doctor, at least the information you hear will be peer reviewed and researched correctly.
'Just say no' to everything you don't understand isn't an educated alternative.
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Post Thu, Nov 24 2016, 11:26 pm
amother wrote:
If u take care of it the proper way yes, are u?


Sad Sad
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