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Do very unattractive people know they’re very unattractive?
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Post Sun, Jun 07 2020, 3:04 pm
Unattractive people do know they're unattractive, but maybe it doesn't count because very attractive people also "know" they're unattractive.
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Post Sun, Jun 07 2020, 3:06 pm
re: Do very unattractive people know they’re very unattractive

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Ora in town


Post Sun, Jun 07 2020, 3:09 pm
amother [ OP ] wrote:
Do very unattractive people know the're very unattractive?

You could answer the question.
Are you aware?
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Post Sun, Jun 07 2020, 3:12 pm
Ora in town wrote:
I have friend who is "intellectually challenged", and believe you me, she realises it.
However, she developed a lot of good mides to make up for it. She is not arrogant... she is modest, she is not vindictive,not resentful... she is always ready to help, she is very loving with the outcasts of society and older, lonely ladies...
Perhaps that's why she is my friend...

Maybe I should have used a different example:

We have plenty of evidence that people who don't recognize irony don't realize that they don't recognize irony.
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Ora in town


Post Sun, Jun 07 2020, 3:14 pm
Fox wrote:
Maybe I should have used a different example:

We have plenty of evidence that people who don't recognize irony don't realize that they don't recognize irony.

You wanted to insult OP (or those who spoke out because of the mean question?) - but you also insulted intellectually challenged people...
It's such a cheap shot to go for "intellectually challenged"...
And the problem here was not IQ, but rather midot... or EQ
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Post Sun, Jun 07 2020, 3:20 pm
Being that you changed the title, and it shows me you put some effort to step back from using bad language towards others, I'll answer your question.

Maybe that person indeed doesn't feel pretty. So she has very low self esteem. Perhaps during her childhood, she got bullied for her looks etc, so she wants attention by posting her pics. So I would feel bad for her. I would not name call etc, I would seriously feel her pain.

Maybe that is not at alk the case tho.

Maybe she grew up in a very loving home and her mom put utmost confidence in her. And she proudly feels good with her looks and likes to post all over.

Maybe she is actually not that unattractive, and some ppl think of her as pretty. And maybe she still likes to look for attention for other reasons.

There can be tons of predictions. Hard to say really what others are thinking and what exactly their lives look like.
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Post Sun, Jun 07 2020, 3:20 pm
amother [ Mustard ] wrote:
re: Do very unattractive people know they’re very unattractive


Best response to op's bizarre question
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Post Sun, Jun 07 2020, 5:12 pm
Brava for that woman. I'm not a fan of people posting all sorts of personal info on public or semipublic forums, but the world wasn't made just for good-looking people. If good-looking people can post their petty picayune "triumphs" and accomplishments and boasts, so can those who are less photogenic. You don't like it, don't follow those people. Just because someone's looks happen to be out of fashion, currently or since time began, doesn't mean her life is not worth living, nor does it mean that she should make herself invisible and be grateful for whatever crumbs of compassion people like OP may throw her way.

Not-good-looking-in-OP's-opinion-Internet-lady, I salute you, and whoever brought you up to have such self-esteem! You should start giving self-image and self-esteem workshops to people are not so endowed.
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Post Sun, Jun 07 2020, 5:21 pm
Already 107 posts for this stupid thread!! Mad Rolling Eyes
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Post Sun, Jun 07 2020, 7:29 pm
Ora in town wrote:
You could answer the question.
Are you aware?

Best post yet!
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Post Sun, Jun 07 2020, 8:08 pm
I actually laughed out loud at the title change!!

Do insensitive people know they’re being insensitive? That’s kind of my takeaway here. I don’t think OP meant any harm. It’s an easy question to ask as amother and if you want to ask something like this, well... amother is the way to go. I don’t think there’s harm in exploring this topic respectfully and I think she tried to. But the responses are warranted, too, most of them anyway.
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Ora in town


Post Sun, Jun 07 2020, 9:37 pm
Kiwi13 wrote:
I actually laughed out loud at the title change!!

Do insensitive people know they’re being insensitive? That’s kind of my takeaway here. I don’t think OP meant any harm. It’s an easy question to ask as amother and if you want to ask something like this, well... amother is the way to go. I don’t think there’s harm in exploring this topic respectfully and I think she tried to. But the responses are warranted, too, most of them anyway.

Honestly, I was shocked when I read this question in its original format, that a frum jewish woman would think like this and ask such a question...and I was reassured when most of the persons who answered showed that they did not share, nor approve, the mean spirit behind the question...
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Post Sun, Jun 07 2020, 9:49 pm
Did not read the whole thread but I often see pictures online of models etc and to me a lot of them are not pretty. But they're models, so I guess different strokes for different folks.
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Post Sun, Jun 07 2020, 10:15 pm
To go back to your original question, yes, people who do not meet current standards of beauty are generally well aware of it.
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Post Mon, Jun 08 2020, 8:55 am
Well-worded, amother olive! I wish you had used your sn.
I didn't see op's original title--will someone please PM me with it?--but since I didn't think her second title was all that pleasantly worded, her original must have been ugly beyond belief. Even the new,improved version gave me a very negative opinion of op. I'm rather glad she posted as amother because had she used her sn, the memory of her repellent attitude would color my view of her posts from here on.
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Post Mon, Jun 08 2020, 9:40 am
I was curious too what the original title was, but I think I’d rather not know. Strange thread.
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Post Mon, Jun 08 2020, 9:56 am
So few people answered
(Cant imagine why!)
Ok I’ll bite
Yes. I do know.
Thanks for asking.
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Post Mon, Jun 08 2020, 10:05 am
amother [ Burgundy ] wrote:
So few people answered
(Cant imagine why!)
Ok I’ll bite
Yes. I do know.
Thanks for asking.

IMNSHO, a lot more people think that they're unattractive than actually are.

Also IMNSHO, a lot more people think that they're extremely attractive than actually are.

Most people are squarely OK. Fine. Not gonna stop traffic one way or another. And its the extremely rare woman who couldn't change up her hair and put on some judicious makeup to move from "homely" to "ok." Watch any makeover video.
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Post Mon, Jun 08 2020, 10:13 am
zaq wrote:
Well-worded, amother olive! I wish you had used your sn.
I didn't see op's original title--will someone please PM me with it?--but since I didn't think her second title was all that pleasantly worded, her original must have been ugly beyond belief. Even the new,improved version gave me a very negative opinion of op. I'm rather glad she posted as amother because had she used her sn, the memory of her repellent attitude would color my view of her posts from here on.

Thats what it was
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Post Mon, Jun 08 2020, 10:18 am
SixOfWands wrote:
IMNSHO, a lot more people think that they're unattractive than actually are.

Also IMNSHO, a lot more people think that they're extremely attractive than actually are.

Most people are squarely OK. Fine. Not gonna stop traffic one way or another. And its the extremely rare woman who couldn't change up her hair and put on some judicious makeup to move from "homely" to "ok." Watch any makeover video.

And I’m saying I’m “unattractive”- cute euphemism! And I’m aware of it and I’m ok with it!
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