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The New 24 Six App
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Post Thu, Jan 05 2023, 10:00 pm
I wanted to get the device for my daughter and my husband reminded me that the school has a rule about children owning any device that has internet access regardless of filters and blocks on it.
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Post Fri, Jan 06 2023, 4:56 am
amother Gold wrote:
I feel terrible for the developer

I’m sure they knew it will be banned and that also no one will take it seriously.
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Post Fri, Jan 06 2023, 8:33 am
Rabbanim are so out of touch, it actually blows my mind. What sad times we’re living in. The neviim that said we would have no leadership before the times of mashiach weren’t kidding.
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Post Fri, Jan 06 2023, 8:40 am
amother Gold wrote:
I feel terrible for the developer

He has enough business from all the other communities
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Post Fri, Jan 06 2023, 8:42 am
amother Mayflower wrote:
He has enough business from all the other communities

Do I know this for a fact? I’m sure he was relying on Lakewood for a big chunk of his customer base
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Post Fri, Jan 06 2023, 9:07 am
amother Babyblue wrote:
I wanted to get the device for my daughter and my husband reminded me that the school has a rule about children owning any device that has internet access regardless of filters and blocks on it.

I dont understand this at all! I bought the device and I am super happy that my children have access to jewish music easily without fear of non Jewish podcasts, music. The device does absolutely nothing else but run the music app. It has no browser. no email. nothing on it except the 24/6 app. This is not for the homes with no wifi or the homes that only allow chasidic music and no video at all. For those heimish families like mine, with school approved filtered and tagged computer use for our teenagers, filtered smart phones for adults and email access and communication via email and text with our schools etc, this device is a g-d send and I am SO disappointed that whoever has banned this (our leadership??) don't see this.

I believe that I am part of a large segment of people who dont wear long wigs, lace tops, or heavy makeup/manicures, have bochurim who wear "black.and white" and learn full time, have girls without long hair, have husbands who have peyos, beards and daily shiurim, have married children in Kollel and working children with filtered devices AND who as a family use technology as I described. People like us will have absolutely no idea why this product is banned and will assume there is a political or economic agenda, or even worse, just a narrow-minded, short sighted bias against technology which is part and parcel of life in 2023. As an adult with decision making ability about what is good and safe for my family, Iwill continue to allow my children to use the device. I do follow days torah but this decision to ban 24/6 flabbergasts me and until I get a personal ruling from my rov, I am confident that this device is safe and good for my family.

(BTW, the Naki radio is also connected to internet and wifi, and streams (gasp!) many choices of music/channels stories etc.. )
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Post Fri, Jan 06 2023, 10:31 am
Pretty sure I already know the answer to this, but...there's no way to listen on a Google Home/Alexa, right? We do all our listening to music via Google Home on Spotify...
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Post Mon, Jan 09 2023, 11:50 pm
How is it different from Toveedo?
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Post Tue, Jan 10 2023, 5:14 pm
amother Gold wrote:
I feel terrible for the developer

I know!!
It’s so so unfair.

How in the world can individuals who are soooooo nogeah b’davar come and rile up unsuspecting rabbonim and mechanchim to come out with public letters, phone calls, posters in the street and rip this thing apart, killing a great alternative to non-jewish music platforms along with the parnassah of an ehrliche yid’s?!

My friend’s husband is familiar with people involved in the project. She tells me he raised money from private investors who only did this because they believe in the positive effect this can have on children and teenagers, the guy put his whole neshama into it, followed the guidance of a VERY PROMINENT Rav.

And just like that someone decides to rile up unsuspecting rabbonim and mechanchim to denounce it and kill it without even giving the developers the chance to present their side of the story!

It makes me so depressed!
(Click on the hug button please. Lol)
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Post Tue, Jan 10 2023, 5:17 pm
amother Nemesia wrote:
I know!!
It’s so so unfair.

How in the world can individuals who are soooooo nogeah b’davar come and rile up unsuspecting rabbonim and mechanchim to come out with public letters, phone calls, posters in the street and rip this thing apart, killing a great alternative to non-jewish music platforms along with the parnassah of an ehrliche yid’s?!

My friend’s husband is familiar with people involved in the project. She tells me he raised money from private investors who only did this because they believe in the positive effect this can have on children and teenagers, the guy put his whole neshama into it, followed the guidance of a VERY PROMINENT Rav.

And just like that someone decides to rile up unsuspecting rabbonim and mechanchim to denounce it and kill it without even giving the developers the chance to present their side of the story!

It makes me so depressed!
(Click on the hug button please. Lol)

I know this to be true as well. A fortune of money was invested in this project to benefit the klal, because people strongly believed in the benefit of it. There is no way the developer is making money in the beginning….
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Post Tue, Jan 10 2023, 5:26 pm
We bought it for our kids Chanukah time.
It is great! I personally turned off the videos. (Didn’t want the music videos for school nights - we save them for vacation, sundays, chol hamoed…) and they love listening to all types of music.

They used to do it on my Phone on Apple Music - only to Jewish music - and my heart was always in my mouth.

This I have no worries when they listen. And they enjoy it because there is such a variety!

Bh my boys are good yeshiva boys - not living in Lakewood

It was upsetting when I heard it was ‘banned’ there.
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Post Tue, Jan 10 2023, 5:57 pm
cnc wrote:
I know this to be true as well. A fortune of money was invested in this project to benefit the klal, because people strongly believed in the benefit of it. There is no way the developer is making money in the beginning….

I don’t know if this is lashon harah but it hurts my brain to witness such things.

DISCLAIMER: I do NOT know if this information is accurate, but this is what I heard.

TAG who instigated this crusade has their own app and music device in development. I think someone wrote this on a comment here, I heard it too. and also that they have a financial stake in Naki Radio (I have it in my home it’s not bad at all, it's different than the 24 six concept. Since I heard this I cannot look at it anymore Sad
My Kidds enjoy it though. Along with circle loop. They’re keeping busy BH. I guess we have UNLIMITED entertainment even without 24 six. So much for having an issue with "unlimited entertainment"

The weird thing is, that Naki Radio has to be connected to WiFi all the time! while 24 six, according to their website and notices they put out, is working on the ability to listen to it offline!
You only have to connect once in 30 days in order for them to pay the singers and for you to get new songs content etc.

HOW CAN THEY WRITE THAT THE 24-6 MP3 IS BAD BECAUSE IT RELIES ON INTERNET CONNECTION when their own product is the one that needs to connect 24/7!!

I’m sure they’re doing wonderful things for klal yisroel and have good intentions(?) but something doesn’t smell right here. I feel like we’re being taken for a ride along with our rabbonim too Sad

Oh well, why fix the world if I can barely fix myself.
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Post Tue, Jan 10 2023, 8:34 pm
Any idea if they have Yiddish stories or kids music on it
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Post Wed, Jan 11 2023, 12:13 am
amother Nemesia wrote:
I don’t know if this is lashon harah but it hurts my brain to witness such things.

DISCLAIMER: I do NOT know if this information is accurate, but this is what I heard.

TAG who instigated this crusade has their own app and music device in development. I think someone wrote this on a comment here, I heard it too. and also that they have a financial stake in Naki Radio (I have it in my home it’s not bad at all, it's different than the 24 six concept. Since I heard this I cannot look at it anymore Sad
My Kidds enjoy it though. Along with circle loop. They’re keeping busy BH. I guess we have UNLIMITED entertainment even without 24 six. So much for having an issue with "unlimited entertainment"

The weird thing is, that Naki Radio has to be connected to WiFi all the time! while 24 six, according to their website and notices they put out, is working on the ability to listen to it offline!
You only have to connect once in 30 days in order for them to pay the singers and for you to get new songs content etc.

HOW CAN THEY WRITE THAT THE 24-6 MP3 IS BAD BECAUSE IT RELIES ON INTERNET CONNECTION when their own product is the one that needs to connect 24/7!!

I’m sure they’re doing wonderful things for klal yisroel and have good intentions(?) but something doesn’t smell right here. I feel like we’re being taken for a ride along with our rabbonim too Sad

Oh well, why fix the world if I can barely fix myself.

None of this info is true. Tag has nothing to do with Naki radio.
Naki radio is not a video streaming device, you can't compare it to having a smartphone looking device with endless hours of wasting time, video content and podcasts with some choice 'frum' humor. It's 100 percent not about the wifi connection, it's about the content.
I don't support them banning it though. It's not their place to say anything.
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Post Wed, Jan 11 2023, 6:42 am
realsilver wrote:
None of this info is true. Tag has nothing to do with Naki radio.
Naki radio is not a video streaming device, you can't compare it to having a smartphone looking device with endless hours of wasting time, video content and podcasts with some choice 'frum' humor. It's 100 percent not about the wifi connection, it's about the content.
I don't support them banning it though. It's not their place to say anything.

a smart phone looking device.

that's one of the reasons "you" don't like it?
Can't Believe It
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Post Wed, Jan 11 2023, 7:12 am
realsilver wrote:
None of this info is true. Tag has nothing to do with Naki radio.
Naki radio is not a video streaming device, you can't compare it to having a smartphone looking device with endless hours of wasting time, video content and podcasts with some choice 'frum' humor. It's 100 percent not about the wifi connection, it's about the content.
I don't support them banning it though. It's not their place to say anything.

The smartphone looking device argument is one of the saddest arguments. Do you know how many people are walking around with unfiltered flip phones? And nobody thinks twice because it's a flip phone and they've been programmed to think that smartphones = bad and flip phones = good. In my line of work I deal with a lot of older teen boys. A few of them told me that they have unfiltered flip phones. Their rebbeim and parents have no idea that they have internet access. We need to stop worrying about what it looks like and think about what the devices capabilities are.

As far as videos, most people I know in Lakewood let their kids watch videos. Some more often than others. One of the previous posters wrote that she has videos shut off except for special occasions. Everyone else who doesn't want their kids to watch can do the same.

It's time for them to remember that Hashem gave us all bechira. And if so many people are failing to make the proper choices then maybe it's time to take another look at our chinuch, rather than banning things all the time which doesn't end up working anyhow.
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Post Wed, Jan 11 2023, 11:25 am
amother Aster wrote:
a smart phone looking device.

that's one of the reasons "you" don't like it?
Can't Believe It

Yes, for my kids. Not because a smartphone is not kosher, more because it's more enticing and therefore more of a timewaster.
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Post Wed, Jan 11 2023, 11:27 am
amother Apricot wrote:
The smartphone looking device argument is one of the saddest arguments. Do you know how many people are walking around with unfiltered flip phones? And nobody thinks twice because it's a flip phone and they've been programmed to think that smartphones = bad and flip phones = good. In my line of work I deal with a lot of older teen boys. A few of them told me that they have unfiltered flip phones. Their rebbeim and parents have no idea that they have internet access. We need to stop worrying about what it looks like and think about what the devices capabilities are.

As far as videos, most people I know in Lakewood let their kids watch videos. Some more often than others. One of the previous posters wrote that she has videos shut off except for special occasions. Everyone else who doesn't want their kids to watch can do the same.

It's time for them to remember that Hashem gave us all bechira. And if so many people are failing to make the proper choices then maybe it's time to take another look at our chinuch, rather than banning things all the time which doesn't end up working anyhow.

see my answer above!
It's just not a necesary item to have in the house when I could have music coming from elsewhere.
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Post Wed, Jan 11 2023, 11:30 am
cnc wrote:
I know this to be true as well. A fortune of money was invested in this project to benefit the klal, because people strongly believed in the benefit of it. There is no way the developer is making money in the beginning….

I would literally buy a device just because of this. And I live in Lakewood.
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Post Wed, Jan 11 2023, 11:48 am
realsilver wrote:
Yes, for my kids. Not because a smartphone is not kosher, more because it's more enticing and therefore more of a timewaster.

If they cannot do anything on it besides listen to music, then they can't waste time on it.
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