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Do you homeschool? Includes poll
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Do you homeschool?
 8%  [ 11 ]
 86%  [ 112 ]
 4%  [ 6 ]
Total Votes : 129



Post Sun, Aug 20 2023, 3:50 pm
I'm really thinking of it being an option if we can't afford tuition.
My dh thinks it's a crazy idea but I don't know how we'll manage.

If you homeschool, how do you make it work?

Why did you chose to homeschool?

What age kids do you have?
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Post Sun, Aug 20 2023, 3:55 pm
I tried it.
It failed.

If your kids are calm, well-behaved and cooperative, and you're ready to invest time and energy into it, it can be amazing.

If you have (like I do) intense children, it may not work as well.

I would have needed two people to do it, one to deal with the angry/upset/miserable child who will ruin everything for everyone else, and one to deal with the other kids who did want to proceed with the regular plan. I didn't have that second person, so pretty much every day got derailed and very little was accomplished.

Additionally, if you're doing it ONLY to save money, keep in mind that Hashem provides money for chinuch outside of your regular allotted income.

(ETA that I believe strongly in the homeschooling philosophy and its benefits. If done properly, there are no social issues either. But I wish I had been a bit more realistic before I started. Maybe I would have been able to hang on longer.

Here's a great resource: https://jewishhomeschool.wixsite.com/ntjoh and there is a whole thread of educational links and sites on Imamother: https://www.imamother.com/foru.....85619 - these are all kodesh, there is TOOOOOONS available for Chol online.)
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Post Sun, Aug 20 2023, 3:59 pm
One of my friends was homeschooled. She has never forgiven her parents for it. It made it a lot harder for her socially because she didn’t get the social training we all get.

Elisheva liss homeschooled her kids - she’s a very well respected therapist.

I personally would never do it because I would lose my mind, I need a break from my kids. Also the risks of them not fitting into the frum community are high.
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Post Sun, Aug 20 2023, 4:37 pm
My kids are little. I want to homeschool because I can hang out with my kids and avoid so many school related issues. If something isn't working, we'll do it another way or just put it to the side. I'll even have the chance to follow research on academic learning that public and private schools in this country simply do not and maybe never will. It can all just be more personalized and natural. I don't want to recreate school at home.
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Post Sun, Aug 20 2023, 4:41 pm
I'm starting Wednesday with my 11th grader. He will work in the morning and in the afternoon do algebra 2 honors, ELA 11, physics, government, econ and financial literacy. Online classes.
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Post Sun, Aug 20 2023, 4:44 pm
I think it only works if it’s done for idealogical reasons and together with other families so the kids can socialize
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Post Sun, Aug 20 2023, 5:16 pm
I homeschool because my family is on shlichus in a place with no Jewish school (closest Jewish school is a 2 hour flight, so commuting is not an option).

My oldest is 5, then 4, 2 and 5 months, so its still pretty simple.

We start with davening and some songs since they love to learn through songs. Then we dance and excercize. Then I send the 2 year old and baby to my maid who spends the time I have all the kids to straighten up the house. She then takes care of the youngest 2 while I do kria, parsha, science, math, etc. and art projects to practice different skills, for the next 2 hours. Thats the end of the official school day. I give them lunch and then they play with the maid while I get some work done and make supper, until later in the afternoon when we have an afternoon hebrew school for kids in the community which they join. Then is supper and bedtime.

Giving them social opportunities is definitely a challenge, as well as not having much time to breathe. But its the life we chose...
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Post Sun, Aug 20 2023, 5:24 pm
My mother homeschooled me for ideological reasons, and I hated it at the time and truly feel it still affects my social functioning today.

I would never do this with children who weren't asking for it themselves.

I would move to a place with cheaper tuition or work more hours before I would homeschool for financial reasons.
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Post Sun, Aug 20 2023, 5:28 pm
''Jar Of Firefly's'' is a Jewish religious woman of 4 children from Dallas who homeschools. Check out her Youtube channel. She has other Homeschooled kids nearby so they get together. I can't do what she is doing with her children. I am a very nervous person.
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Post Sun, Aug 20 2023, 5:29 pm
amother Peru wrote:
''Jar Of Firefly's'' is a Jewish religious woman of 4 children from Dallas who homeschools. Check out her Youtube channel. She has other Homeschooled kids nearby so they get together. I can't do what she is doing with her children. I am a very nervous person.

Thank you for that recommendation!
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Post Sun, Aug 20 2023, 5:31 pm
amother SandyBrown wrote:
I homeschool because my family is on shlichus in a place with no Jewish school (closest Jewish school is a 2 hour flight, so commuting is not an option).

My oldest is 5, then 4, 2 and 5 months, so its still pretty simple.

We start with davening and some songs since they love to learn through songs. Then we dance and excercize. Then I send the 2 year old and baby to my maid who spends the time I have all the kids to straighten up the house. She then takes care of the youngest 2 while I do kria, parsha, science, math, etc. and art projects to practice different skills, for the next 2 hours. Thats the end of the official school day. I give them lunch and then they play with the maid while I get some work done and make supper, until later in the afternoon when we have an afternoon hebrew school for kids in the community which they join. Then is supper and bedtime.

Giving them social opportunities is definitely a challenge, as well as not having much time to breathe. But its the life we chose...

I admire your stamina
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Post Sun, Aug 20 2023, 5:33 pm
amother Natural wrote:
I tried it.

Additionally, if you're doing it ONLY to save money, keep in mind that Hashem provides money for chinuch outside of your regular allotted income.

who said that? and I mean for tuition not just what is spent teaching boys torah. I have only girls Wink and half their day is secular studies.
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Post Sun, Aug 20 2023, 6:02 pm
amother Peru wrote:
''Jar Of Firefly's'' is a Jewish religious woman of 4 children from Dallas who homeschools. Check out her Youtube channel. She has other Homeschooled kids nearby so they get together. I can't do what she is doing with her children. I am a very nervous person.

Yes I've been watching her channel for a while. She's so good with her kids, I don't think I'm cut out for it. But how I wish for it at times, especially during vacation where life is slow paced and relaxed.
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Post Sun, Aug 20 2023, 6:10 pm
I homeschooled for two years before starting my own pod school. Feel free to PM with any questions, happy to share any info I have
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Post Sun, Aug 20 2023, 6:40 pm
I don't homeschool but I think it's awesome.
When it's well done, it can be very good and freeing for the children.
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Post Sun, Aug 20 2023, 7:00 pm
My boys are in school in the mornings and home in the afternoons. A compromise for several reasons. It's working at the moment but I didn't do it either ideologically or for financial reasons.
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Post Sun, Aug 20 2023, 7:15 pm
I've homeschooled preschool and it was going really well until I became pregnant, the pandemic shot down our social opportunities and got sick sooo often.

I think it can work well if you know how to discipline your kids. My kids have bunch of friends but they don't see them every day. The most difficult part is keeping the house clean. If you can get a full-time cleaning lady who can also help with the little kids then I think it can work well.

That being said I have them take turns with a timer and I think it keeps them better focused. Also this year my older ones start online school.

If your kids already know how to read fluently they'll do most their schooling independently.

Unfortunately for me it's rough because our sleep schedule isn't where it should be.
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Post Sun, Aug 20 2023, 7:24 pm
I really want to, but don't think I can long term. I have only toddlers at home now and would so love to keep doing it, I'd do more unschooling style (I taught for years & have a master's in education so I know what needs to be taught, I would do it through experiential learning). It's just so much work and emotionally very full on for me.
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Post Mon, Aug 21 2023, 11:00 am
Would absolutely never home school. I don't believe in it, and even if I did, I would hate doing it.
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Post Mon, Aug 21 2023, 11:14 am
amother Peachpuff wrote:
Would absolutely never home school. I don't believe in it, and even if I did, I would hate doing it.

😂 why are you posting tho?
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