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So excited to move into MIL for yt!!
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Post Sun, Apr 21 2024, 10:57 pm
Seeing so many threads here about dils so unhappy about moving in to in laws. How abt can we start a positive mil thread? I definitely don’t love everything about my in laws but still have so much positive to say about them and still love moving in!!
1. Love when my kids get to spend time with their grandparents!
2. I like conversing with my in laws and hearing how they raised their kids (even if it’s different than what I do or think is right )
3. Mil is a darling woman who exudes so much warmth and love to me and kids !

Lemme hear your positives!
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Post Sun, Apr 21 2024, 10:59 pm
also at my in laws rn and theyre awesome!
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Post Sun, Apr 21 2024, 11:02 pm
Same! I can’t believe that I would ever think of myself as an easygoing person. But seeing that other thread I’m left stunned.

I love staying at my in laws. Yes there is often not a dry towel to be found near the sink and I go scrambling for napkins. So big deal. Yes the guest bedroom in underneath the dining room and I wake up to her scraping chairs every day at dawn, so.

It’s only a week. I love my family. I love basking in their company and feeling like a part of my husbands family. I feel so flattered when mil takes my magazines to her room. I feel so taken care of when she expresses concern for my kids’ wellbeing, I don’t take it as criticism.

The beds are narrow, the floor is tile and freezing, I definitely don’t get as rested as at home, but I’m not in a hotel and it’s temporary lodgings. Big deal.

My in laws are middle aged and I’m well aware they won’t be around forever. I know I will look back at these stays with major nostalgia. I cherish it.

I can’t believe the spoiled generation that we have become.
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Post Sun, Apr 21 2024, 11:14 pm
I’m also excited. I don’t find their house comfortable but I enjoy being together with family and am grateful to have that time.

I don’t think people who need to vent here are necessarily spoiled. Sometimes people need to vent so then they can move on and focus on the positive. And some people truly have difficult relatives. Fortunately, my relatives are nice, well meaning people, even if flawed ( As am I)
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Post Sun, Apr 21 2024, 11:17 pm
amother Jetblack wrote:
Same! I can’t believe that I would ever think I’m an easygoing person. But seeing that other thread I’m left stunned.

I love staying at my in laws. Yes there is often not a dry towel to be found near the sink and I go scrambling for napkins. So big deal. Yes the bedroom in underneath the dining room and I wake up to her scraping chairs every day at dawn, so.

It’s only a week. I love my family. I love basking in their company and feeling like a part of my husbands family. I feel so flattered when mil takes my magazines to her room. I feel so taken care of when she expresses concern for my kids’ wellbeing, I don’t take it as a criticism.

The beds are narrow, the floor is tile and freezing, I definitely don’t get as rested as at home, but I’m not in a hotel and it’s temporary lodgings. Big deal.

My in laws are middle aged and I’m well aware they won’t be around forever. I know I will look back at these stays with major nostalgia. I cherish it.

I can’t believe the spoiled generation that we have become.

1000% good for you! You have your head on straight lol.
For the last 10 years my husband and I have been hosting (since we bought our house) I loved it but definitely did my share of kvetching. Now my fil passed away this past September and I told myself no more complaining. I love my inlaws. I love my family and that's that. Yes, it's work but they're the best
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Post Sun, Apr 21 2024, 11:19 pm
I love this thread!!! Keep the positivity coming!!! Yes I am a mil 😂!!!
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Post Sun, Apr 21 2024, 11:20 pm
My parents are divorced and not frum or kosher and neither has more than a spare couch for guests. My husband has only one parent left in a nursing home. Truly my dream is to have my kids visit me one day. I have not been hosted by family in so so many years....if I can not be on the receiving end, I hope to be on the giving end one day
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Post Sun, Apr 21 2024, 11:25 pm
Also love this thread, it’s giving me chizzuk.
Yes, I just became a mother in law!
We tried so hard to give our all to the young couple, I hope they’ll like it here and I hope they will like our family.
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Post Sun, Apr 21 2024, 11:27 pm
tichellady wrote:
I’m also excited. I don’t find their house comfortable but I enjoy being together with family and am grateful to have that time.

I don’t think people who need to vent here are necessarily spoiled. Sometimes people need to vent so then they can move on and focus on the positive. And some people truly have difficult relatives. Fortunately, my relatives are nice, well meaning people, even if flawed ( As am I)

Agreed, I will vent about the small things on here or to my sisters so that I can actually enjoy the good things and also not complain to my husband:)
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Post Mon, Apr 22 2024, 12:20 am
In the process of getting divorced - don’t miss my husband but I do miss my mother in law!

I’m so happy my kids are there for first days … my mother In law showers my kids with undivided attention… plays with them reads to them cooks and bakes with them …

When we were still going as a couple she always sent us out of the house and insisted on keeping the kids home with her so we can have alone time. She always insisted I sleep in so she could spend more time with the kids and watch them while I have a break.

Their apartment was tiny and the beds were hard and the linen was itchy and there was very little privacy - but I enjoyed going .
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Post Mon, Apr 22 2024, 12:25 am
I’m moving in to my in laws for first days. I’m so excited! The accommodations are average and my kids won’t sleep but I love my in laws so much and my kids love it there. So I’m looking forward to having a lovely yom tov!!
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Post Mon, Apr 22 2024, 12:28 am
amother OP wrote:
Seeing so many threads here about dils so unhappy about moving in to in laws. How abt can we start a positive mil thread? I definitely don’t love everything about my in laws but still have so much positive to say about them and still love moving in!!
1. Love when my kids get to spend time with their grandparents!
2. I like conversing with my in laws and hearing how they raised their kids (even if it’s different than what I do or think is right )
3. Mil is a darling woman who exudes so much warmth and love to me and kids !

Lemme hear your positives!

I am just going for the second days. I am disappointed that I wasn’t invited for Shabbos🤪 a pity my shviggerdoesnt see this post.
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little neshamala


Post Mon, Apr 22 2024, 12:47 am
I LOVE this thread.
Please keep going!
And for people like me, who want so badly to be good mother in laws one day IH, can you please elaborate more on why you love going?
What does your MIL do that makes you feel so happy to be there?
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Post Mon, Apr 22 2024, 12:49 am
I will be missing my mother in law this year. She passed away this year. I loved her very much.
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Sunny Days


Post Mon, Apr 22 2024, 12:53 am
When I grow up, I daven to be just like my mil!

…but I have a long way to go
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Post Mon, Apr 22 2024, 4:08 am
I miss my MIL so much since we made aliyah. She’s is a special woman. We all have limitations, but she respects me very much and sees her son’s success as mine. She attributes my dc’s growth to me. What more could I ask for? I didn’t grow up with a mom myself. I pray all my dc come visit happily despite my limitations too.
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Post Mon, Apr 22 2024, 5:46 am
Such a beautiful thread!
I'm not by in laws this Pesach but I really love being there, my mil is the nicest woman, she is so easy and accepting there's zero pressure.
I'm lucky!
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Post Mon, Apr 22 2024, 6:06 am
I love my MIL too. My Mil has boy only, I became close to her, we are very much alike. My husband is a lot like her as well, which is great.
One of my best days was when she told me that I am, to her like a daughter that she never had. I'm not the first dil, it was the greatest compliment ever.


My mil always tells her sons beutilful things about their wives, she sees everyone's strengths and good deeds, actions.. and praises us to our husband's. In addition to complimenting us a lot and thinking us for everything.
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Post Mon, Apr 22 2024, 6:10 am
little neshamala wrote:
I LOVE this thread.
Please keep going!
And for people like me, who want so badly to be good mother in laws one day IH, can you please elaborate more on why you love going?
What does your MIL do that makes you feel so happy to be there?

I think that a lot of it is in the daughter in law’s attitude. I say this as a daughter in law.
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Post Mon, Apr 22 2024, 6:21 am
Only married a little over 2 years and feel so loved by my in laws love going!
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