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Equivalent of Uncle Moishy
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Post Tue, Jan 03 2006, 12:12 pm
just to bring out my point a little better --

what do you think of a naked woman telling a beautiful dvar torah about keeping shabbos? the message is beautiful, but the delivery is disgusting!
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Post Tue, Jan 03 2006, 12:49 pm
Goldrose are you really comparing naked ladies to Uncle Moishe?????

I think that you're taking the Rebbe's words and using them to cut yourself off from anything that is non lubavitch. The Rebbe never said to family or anyone else not to listen to Uncle Moishe!!!!

I am a graduate of Beis Rivkah High School in Crown Heights and was personally taught by members of the Rebbe's family.

If you want to be on a higher madreiga than anyone that's fine but to say that we shouldn't knock you since you are trying to be the ultimate is.....
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Post Tue, Jan 03 2006, 1:05 pm
timeout wrote:
If you want to be on a higher madreiga than anyone that's fine but to say that we shouldn't knock you since you are trying to be the ultimate is.....

Thumbs Up
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Post Tue, Jan 03 2006, 1:10 pm
Oh, which members of the Rebbe's family teach in bais rivka?
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Post Tue, Jan 03 2006, 1:14 pm
and ps I don't claim to be above or better than anyone else. I said I am trying. I do what I can. And yes, it IS better to listen to niggunim than bob the builder.

no, of course I'm not comparing uncle moishy to naked women. that example simply illustrates my point. the end does not justify the means, especially since music is the pen of the soul, and when you listen to music, your soul is connected to the soul of the composer. If the composer is a [gentile], this can have a negative effect on your soul. Perhaps not immediate...somewhere down the line...you may not even make the connection.

Why take the chance?

And p.s. I dont have naked women in my house, but I do have one uncle moishy tape that has one song that makes me uncomfortable. I'm simply looking for something better.
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Post Tue, Jan 03 2006, 1:35 pm
goldrose wrote:
Oh, which members of the Rebbe's family teach in bais rivka?

WOW - Rolling Eyes
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Post Tue, Jan 03 2006, 1:38 pm
why, buba? do you know any?
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Post Tue, Jan 03 2006, 1:52 pm
We all know that music is the pen of the soul. Therefore, music composed by a [gentile] has his non jewish soul in it. Of course, we'd rather have our chidlren's tender neshamos absorb tunes from good sources. In regard to niggunim taken from Russian songs, those were elevated spiritually by Rebbes which none of us nowadays are capable of.

Even knowing all this, I don't bite anyone's head off if they allow Uncle MOishy, etc., into their homes. Sometimes, although we know the ideal, we're not up to implementing it yet.
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Post Tue, Jan 03 2006, 2:09 pm
Mrs. Schneerson who basically just spent the entire class telling personnal stories, and the Historia teacher I'm trying to think of her name she spoke at the Ten Yad auction, the one who the Rebbe told her family to wear onlyy pink dresses to there weddings?

P.S U didn't answer my question about the Rebbe before he was Niftar Uncle Moishe was definitely around and I never heard anything said in Crown Heights about not listening.

And what about the Shluchim around the world who are trying to bring in the non frum world by thinking of catchy acts and tunes that the non frum kids would like, the Rebbe never told them to stop?

I personally know a Shaliach in Long Island who had Bob Dylan (famous singer) come to shul on Yom Tov, and nothing he sang was even close to being Jewish.
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Post Tue, Jan 03 2006, 2:17 pm
back to the topic "hand in hand" is wonderful as is the sequel "I'm a chosid"
songs by chaim fogelman and wonderful lubavitch messages.
geared for 4+ but babies love it too.
and there is a tape called "12 pesukim " that is great, its short but the kids love it.
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Rochel Leah


Post Tue, Jan 03 2006, 2:26 pm
micki wrote:
back to the topic "hand in hand" is wonderful as is the sequel "I'm a chosid"
songs by chaim fogelman and wonderful lubavitch messages.
geared for 4+ but babies love it too.
and there is a tape called "12 pesukim " that is great, its short but the kids love it.

GReat suggestions micki..my son loves the 12 pesukim video from Jem.

I hears the same thing abtout the torah tots 12 pesukim cd, that they are weird sounding.

I am going to ry morah music the next time I am in ch.
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Post Tue, Jan 03 2006, 2:33 pm
I just bought a rebbi alter tape and its really nice, lots of gr8 messages, soundsk ind of chassidsh, mainly in english but he has some yiddish songs too
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Post Tue, Jan 03 2006, 2:56 pm
Even knowing all this, I don't bite anyone's head off if they allow Uncle MOishy, etc., into their homes. Sometimes, although we know the ideal, we're not up to implementing it yet.

I hope nobody will be accusing me of biting anyone's head off. Some posters on here were rolling their eyes at me for having an "issue" with Uncle Moishy, which is why I became so defensive.

Mrs. Schneerson who basically just spent the entire class telling personnal stories, and the Historia teacher I'm trying to think of her name she spoke at the Ten Yad auction, the one who the Rebbe told her family to wear onlyy pink dresses to there weddings?

You're confusing things. Mrs. Schneerson was a computer teacher. What subject did she officially teach you?? The historia teacher is Mrs. Swerdlov, yes, she was the MC at Ten Yad. Mrs. Sternberg was close to the Rebbe's family. Not a member. She was advised not to wear white wedding gowns.

I personally know a Shaliach in Long Island who had Bob Dylan (famous singer) come to shul on Yom Tov, and nothing he sang was even close to being Jewish.

Often you will find shluchim whose programs don't reflect what they expect of their children, and don't live up to the standards that they keep for their family.

back to the topic "hand in hand" is wonderful as is the sequel "I'm a chosid"

Yes, and those are super, except taht they arent available on CD/DVD, and we have no VCR.

Thanks everyone for your suggestions.
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Post Tue, Jan 03 2006, 3:31 pm
buba123 wrote:
goldrose wrote:
we have one uncle moishy tape, and my kids like it, but I dont like one of the tunes, it doesnt sound jewish at all. this is his 2nd tape. I know his recent tapes definitely use bob the builder stuff etc. His messages are nice, but the tunes aren't what I want.

Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes
As per my dad (who grew up with Lubavitcher minhagim...) one of the Rebbe's niggunim is the same tune as a Russian love song Wink My dh's and my song (") was the Titanic tune. I wanted to walk down to the chuppah with that tune. My in-laws agreed. My father, who is very frum said sure - if the Rebbe sang a song using the same niggun as a non-Jewish themed love song, why not?! MY dh chickened out at the end, so I didn't do it!
Just because the tune was used for a non-Jewish song doesn't mean it's Tamei. If it was heavy metal or rock or the like, I understand your hesitance. However, I own all of Uncle Moishy's DVD's and have never heard such a tune.
Uncle Moishy has paved the way for good quality Jewish kids music and should be applauded for that. I have seen him many times in person and he is a great role model for frum, Jewish children.

Your dad may have grown up with Lubavitcher minhagim, but it seems as though the family may have departed from these customs and heritage, and perhaps joined another kehillah, since we don't choose the niggun to walk down to the chupah, it is always the same one, the Alter Rebbes's niggun of "daled Bavos", and you don't seem to be aware of that.

About the Nigun that you classify as one of the Rebbe's niggunim being a Russian love song: Can you tell us which one by name , or by number perhaps? (you can go to Chabad.info, or 770live.com and check through the collection of niggunim, I am very curious).

But your story reminds me of another one, when the Rebbe was agonizing over the ominous decree of "Who Is A Jew", in which the Knesset revoked the status quo, and took out the word "kahalacha", leaving only the word Giyur, in the Law of Return, with the full participation of the NRP, then the Mizrachi party. (1970) This left the road wide open and gave a license to fictitious, non-halachic conversions worldwide and in Israel too, as is seen now.

At that time Dr. Avraham Berg, one of the heads of the Mizrachi party visited the Rebbe, and the Rebbe demanded from him that the religious party should not participate in this Chillul Hashem, and should leave the coalition. In response to the Rebbe's heartfelt pleas Dr. Berg answered the Rebbe, that he doesn't know what the Rebbe wants from him....he, Dr. Burg is also a descendant of the Alter Rebbe! Whereupon he sang for the Rebbe the entire Niggun Daled Bavos.

Clearly, then Dr. Burg was playing games. The Rebbe is asking him to extricate world Jewry from a destructive decree which will endanger millions of Jews, and he reminds the Rebbe that the Rebbe is not the only one with a claim to know what's good for Jewry....After all, he knows how to sing the Alter Rebbe's niggun!

Claiming to know "inside information" about Lubavitcher niggunim, or even, as timeout wrote, having been taught by someone related to the Rebbe,(which means what??) doesn't change anything about any of the teachings or minhagim of Chassidus, or halachos in Shulchan aruch or whatever it may be. Confused IOW what's the point Question

Last edited by TzenaRena on Tue, Jan 03 2006, 4:34 pm; edited 2 times in total
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Post Tue, Jan 03 2006, 3:45 pm
I just think its sad that someone asks a question for the benefit of her children and she gets eyes rolled at her.

I understand now how the L. Rebbe says 11)that there is no such thing as a minor detail in Chinuch. A scratch on a tree wont do much harm, but a scratch on a seed can blemish it for life. 2)Mothers are so careful to ensure her child is 100% physically healthy, they need to do the same to ensure thir children are 100& spiritually healthy. No mother would compromise on physical health, so why would mothers compromise on spiritual health?
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Post Tue, Jan 03 2006, 4:18 pm
thanks. I was having a hard time being bashed.

A scratch on a tree wont do much harm, but a scratch on a seed can blemish it for life.

this is in the same sicha I quoted above. Likutei Sichos Vol.1 Chanukah sicha)
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Post Thu, Jan 05 2006, 3:37 pm
Are Uncle Moishe tapes sold in Tzivos Hashem? Just curious?

The eye rolling is not done twards the act of spiritually highering your childrens Madreiga, it is meant for the idea taht Uncle Moishe is harmful and all the ladies that are part of this forum that are not Lubavitch, icluding those that are Lubavitch and that "let" there children listen to "Uncle Moishe" should not feel they are pulling there children down to a lower Madreiga. Rather getting there interests piqued at a young age (my daughter being only 20 months) and loving Uncle Moishe and The Mitzvah Men Very Happy
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Post Thu, Jan 05 2006, 7:46 pm
Think about the children!!!
Why does everyone go back to Bob the Builder?
Anyway, don't put down Uncle Moshe tapes, if you want niggunim and such just go to your Judaica store and ask the person in the shop.
If you are Lubavitch you would do well to go to CH or Lubavitch owned book shop.
For all the other people that don't mind their kids listening to Uncle Bob Moshe the Builder, then good for you.
Anyway music is everywhere and half the time you do not realise it.
Sitting in the Dr's surgery you have the music and it's deffinately not Lubavitch niggunim, in shops you have the songs so unless your kids have cotton wool in their ears, then they will hear it.
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Post Thu, Jan 05 2006, 7:52 pm
And if they walk in the street, they inhale second-hand smoke. So I should let people smoke in my house, right?

I think Uncle Moishy is great... but not for my baby.
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Post Thu, Jan 05 2006, 8:02 pm
hisorerus, just my point. there's garbage outside, and I'd like it to stay that way. outside.
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