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Does your dh cry?
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Post Wed, Nov 01 2017, 10:18 pm
I heard him once cry over the phone, and saw him cry one other time in nearly ten years of marriage.

FWIW, his father, my FIL is extremely emotional and cries at any and every opportunity including at family chanuka parties, singing niggunim on YT, and of course by all simchos, etc.
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Post Wed, Nov 01 2017, 10:36 pm
My father cries at every simcha, it's become a family joke.
Dh cried once when I was in labor and that's it.
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Post Wed, Nov 01 2017, 10:37 pm
my dh will get teary eyed often... strange for a man

Married 13 yrs and yes, there were a few times that he actually sobbed but I think he just wasn't in a good place emotionally at those times.
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Post Wed, Nov 01 2017, 10:41 pm
mommy3b2c wrote:
I can't believe you all seem so surprised. It's very normal that men rarely cry. Women are just different. I saw my husband almost cry once. When one of my children was given his diagnosis his eyes were full of tears. That's the only time. Every time I think of it, I start crying.'

My father is extremely emotional for a guy and even he rarely cries. He does cry by all of our weddings and engagements. I remember two other times. When my great grandma died is one. The other was when his best friends son died. I remember that one very well and it always brings me tears. I remember him standing in his bedroom and sobbing hysterically. It breaks my heart till this day. It's about 15 years later.

Sorry for being nosy, what diagnosis are you talking about?
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Post Wed, Nov 01 2017, 10:56 pm
Seas wrote:
Sorry for being nosy, what diagnosis are you talking about?

The one my son has.
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Post Wed, Nov 01 2017, 10:59 pm
mommy3b2c wrote:
The one my son has.

Love the response!
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Post Wed, Nov 01 2017, 11:00 pm
amother wrote:
Love the response!

šŸ˜‰ I always like to add a little humor to everything šŸ˜€
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Post Wed, Nov 01 2017, 11:04 pm
I've never seen my husband cry-cry, but I've definitely seen his eyes fill with tears, or get glassy looking. He got tearful when I told him I would marry him. He got tearful when each of my babies were born. He got tearful sitting in the neurodevelopmental pediatrician's office when my son was diagnosed with autism (and came home and punched the wall, the first and last display of physical violence I've ever seen from him). Once or twice after very intimate bedroom moments.
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Post Wed, Nov 01 2017, 11:06 pm
mommy3b2c wrote:
The one my son has.

Now I realize I've committed a faux pas. Sorry about that.
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Post Wed, Nov 01 2017, 11:12 pm
Seas wrote:
Now I realize I've committed a faux pas. Sorry about that.

No worries.
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Post Wed, Nov 01 2017, 11:59 pm
amother wrote:
I think us "fountains" Wink have a tendency to marry guys who are more our "rock".

Interesting. I tend to get emotional easily and I have only seen my husband cry once.
Iā€™m curious if others find this to be true.
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Post Thu, Nov 02 2017, 12:21 am
I've seen my husband cry a few times. He could get really emotional.
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Post Thu, Nov 02 2017, 6:48 am
I don't remember last thing I cried in public or a real cry as opposed to a couple tears. It's not about being from a bad childhood, it's personal and cultural. I don't like crying, it makes me feel bad and sad. I feel better containing it. BH my spouse isn't on my case about it (No, I can't tell you when he cries, because it's not his style).
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Post Thu, Nov 02 2017, 7:57 am
Rarely. Never seen him sob in actuality, though he has teared up a handful of times, if that many (not even) in 14 years of marriage.
My father otoh is very emotional and tears up whenever he speaks at simchos, whenever speaking about his parents, when he gives brochos to his kids etc.
But in contrast to the theory about emotional women marrying stoic men, I'm pretty stoic myself. Never cry in public, keep my emotions under tight control.... except to dh! He's really the only one who ever sees me cry. And I do cry every so often, though fairly infrequently as far as women go and only in private.
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Post Thu, Nov 02 2017, 9:24 am
amother wrote:
Were married over a decade and my dh never cries. I shouldnt say never, he cried twice. Once in the operating room during my c section he couldnt handle what I was going through and his emotions were so intense. At one point he started fainting and the nurses rushed him out briefly, he refused to miss the birth and rushed back in just in time. He cried so hard and long (a room full of dr's and would usually be ashamed) but the moment the baby was born was a huge relief of emotions.
The other time was after his father passed away and he just got up from shiva (was sitting at his fathers house out of town) he called me from the car and I just wanted him home after a long week away and he began sobbing so loud I got scared. Reality hit so I told him to stay anther day and then he came to pick us up and we spent shabbos there.
Other than that he never cried. He had a very difficult childhood and I think he shuts out emotions a lot. I dont know if its healthy so im wondering if this is completely crazy.
I cry often. I can cry when I watch an emotional clip, a childs chumash seuda, an emotional simcha, ect.
I know men arent as emotional as women but wondering if this is way off..

My DH cries all the time. I find it very draining.
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Post Thu, Nov 02 2017, 11:45 am
My hub isnā€™t much of an emotional guy. BUTā€”ļæ½he cries after using the restroom (if held it in for abit) My dd has same thing!! I guess it's in the genes.
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Post Thu, Nov 02 2017, 12:07 pm
DH is generally private with certain intense emotions. I think it's pretty normal for men.

But when I was giving birth to DD, he was bawling in front of everyone, with no reservations.
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Post Thu, Nov 02 2017, 12:11 pm
Yes I've seen my dh cry quite a few times... when I'm in labor. When my mom passed away. When I was finally going to go to the mikva after birth & bedika was no good last minute. Once when we were intimate he cried from emotion...
I usually like Rolling Eyes because I hardly ever cry. But I do find it very endearing Wink
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Post Thu, Nov 02 2017, 12:56 pm
My husband is pretty emotional, for a guy. I've seen him cry only once. I was pregnant after trying for some time, and at 9 weeks was diagnosed with missed miscarriage. I woke up in the middle of the night the day before my D&C and saw he was not in bed. I went to the living room to look for him, and saw him sitting at the table with some sefer, sobbing and crying. He saw me, hugged me, and kept crying hysterically saying how sorry he was. I've never seen him like that, even though I am used to him expressing his emotions. In some weird way it made me feel better, just knowing that even though it wasn't his body, he was going emotionally through it with me. That was the only time I saw him cry.
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Post Thu, Nov 02 2017, 5:31 pm
Married 17 years never saw my DH cry. Honestly I'd start crying if he did, I wouldn't know how to handle it!
I on the other hand just cried on Sunday for about three hours while we had a discussion about my childhood. He sat there and comforted me and made me feel like it's the most normal and natural thing to cry. Opposites attract
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